Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yahoo reportedly plans big restructuring, layoffs

By msnbc.com staff

Yahoo?s new CEO Scott Thompson is preparing a massive restructuring of the Internet search firm, including layoffs that are likely to number in the thousands, according to the news website AllThingsD.com.

Citing ?multiple sources both inside and outside the Silicon Valley Internet giant,? the report said the restructuring, which could be announced as soon as the end of this month, is ?being aimed at Yahoo?s large products organization, as well as other arenas in which the company has lagged in.?

These units include public relations and marketing, research, marginal businesses and weaker regional efforts, the website said.

Yahoo is speaking with a number of outside firms and recently hired Boston Consulting Group to help the struggling Internet search firm focus on ?growth? initiatives and to help determine the best path for Yahoo going forward, according to the report.

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Source: http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/05/10582498-yahoo-reportedly-preparing-big-restructuring-layoffs

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