Friday, March 30, 2012

Some Fun and Interesting Facts about Health and Fitness | AHIP's ...

The road to a high quality of life from the standpoint of health is to improve your physical condition, or fitness. Modern research has uncovered many benefits of exercise, eating well, quitting smoking and other positive lifestyle changes. But going beyond that, when you talk about fitness and what it gives you, there are healthy psychological benefits, as well.

When you think about your work day, you are subject to stresses, and that is why frequent work outs are so beneficial for you to do. One thing that has long been known is your brain produces more of a certain kind of chemical that really does help you to feel better.

When you produce these brain chemicals, then that feeling of well being is much like the runner?s high that we all know about. Once you get this feeling, then over time it will wear off, and that is why you should exercise more often. There is a common challenge of time constraints that we all deal with, but there are many choices that nullify that concern.

You have a lot to choose from such as finding time to work out while you are somewhere else. Even installing a pull up bar in your room is an efficient idea to get more exercise into your daily life. Work is usually the place that offers these chances because there is lunch, for example. If you go somewhere such as shopping park at a distance so you can get more walking in. It quite easy to get far more walking done in your day than you realize. Working out like this is fun and will always keep you at higher energy levels.

Another great benefit of exercise is that you will naturally sleep better which is very important. You can have a great work out and eat well, and at the appropriate time your body will let you know it is ready for sleep. Even if you feel like you?re very busy during day with work and other responsibilities, but for many people activity means sitting in front of a computer for hours and perhaps driving from place to place. There are many things that can impact your ability to sleep well, and physical activity is just one of them.

When you look at all there is available to stay in shape and learn fitness facts, then you will appreciate it more. While you might begin an exercise program with a very specific goal, such as losing a certain number of pounds, you?ll probably find that there are many other side benefits as well. This is your life, and you can make of it whatever you choose so make good choices.

Michael Benites is a contributing specialist, author, as well as writer for numerous wellness, bodybuilding, and even medical publications. He is a well-known coach who has worked with numerous high-level athletes including professional bodybuilders, Seasoned golfers, as well as fitness competitors to Olympic hammer throwers.


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