Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finance And Business | How to Thwart Fraud in Online Shopping ...

Shopping has never been made easy with the newest technology of online purchase. The old system of going to stores packed with different shoppers and spending almost the whole day wandering around trying to find the best and most affordable item one desires to buy can now be avoided. Worst with this traditional method of buying is being serviced by new sales representative who has manifest lack of knowledge and understanding of the products being sold. Finally, the laborious task of packing and bringing home the items purchased is now gone with online shopping or purchase. This system is available at various online stores offering almost everything the regular malls or stores have. All the buyer has to do is surf the Internet, shop around other sites to look for alternatives, and check out customer feedback and reviews. Once the customer has decided which item to purchase, the said product is one click away from being owned by the buyer. Without knowing it, somebody will be knocking at your door and by all means, the product you just purchased over the Internet is now yours.

This amazing comfort made possible by online shopping stores is not without any possible harms or threats. Fraud and misrepresentation abound in this kind of enterprise. However, sufficient safety nets are currently implemented to ensure that only honest and fair transactions happen in a specific online shop. But despite these security measures, nothing still beats a vigilant and mindful buyer. Shopping and product reviews proliferate together with the increasing number of online shopping stores. These reviews provide the readers substantial information on the company?s or online store?s integrity and credibility in doing business. This includes their quality of service and the reviewer?s personal experience with it. Moreover, a comprehensive description on the products offered is also tackled in shopping and product review websites or sections of a webpage. Such description includes comparative analysis with other products of the same specie and with other online shopping stores that sell the same items or the specie of item. These helpful discussions are highly read and visited by those who patronize online shopping to ensure that they deal with real and credible virtual stores and they purchase only the product that perfectly suits their taste.

Despite the remarkable advancement in the system of trade, the importance of vigilance and being mindful of the caveat emptor principle remain as imperatives for the buyers. These shopping and product reviews are crucial sources of information for the buyers to be aware of the product?s quality and sustainability prior to purchasing the same. Such discussions discourage and counteract possible fraud by way of encouraging the buyers make sound and informed decisions while buying from these virtual stores. Save your time from unnecessarily traveling to and from malls and queuing for payment by purchasing the items or products you want online. In doing so, make sure that you have already shopped around by simply visiting various online stores for canvassing and checking out the reviews and comments from their previous customers while sitting down and listening to music.

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Article Added on Saturday, March 31, 2012

Other Articles by Reba?N. Stern

?Spending Wisely And Within Your Budget
Everyone would just love to shop, almost all of us will agree to that. The thing about shopping is that you can spend little time on it but the money you are spending on it will not be that little anymore. Yup, that?s exactly what I mean. We can go a little too far from the budget if we get carried away by shopping. And what about those magazines that advertise products we all just get a lot in our mail? Talk about promoting shopping, unless you got resolve, you are going to have shopping again...

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Some Fun and Interesting Facts about Health and Fitness | AHIP's ...

The road to a high quality of life from the standpoint of health is to improve your physical condition, or fitness. Modern research has uncovered many benefits of exercise, eating well, quitting smoking and other positive lifestyle changes. But going beyond that, when you talk about fitness and what it gives you, there are healthy psychological benefits, as well.

When you think about your work day, you are subject to stresses, and that is why frequent work outs are so beneficial for you to do. One thing that has long been known is your brain produces more of a certain kind of chemical that really does help you to feel better.

When you produce these brain chemicals, then that feeling of well being is much like the runner?s high that we all know about. Once you get this feeling, then over time it will wear off, and that is why you should exercise more often. There is a common challenge of time constraints that we all deal with, but there are many choices that nullify that concern.

You have a lot to choose from such as finding time to work out while you are somewhere else. Even installing a pull up bar in your room is an efficient idea to get more exercise into your daily life. Work is usually the place that offers these chances because there is lunch, for example. If you go somewhere such as shopping park at a distance so you can get more walking in. It quite easy to get far more walking done in your day than you realize. Working out like this is fun and will always keep you at higher energy levels.

Another great benefit of exercise is that you will naturally sleep better which is very important. You can have a great work out and eat well, and at the appropriate time your body will let you know it is ready for sleep. Even if you feel like you?re very busy during day with work and other responsibilities, but for many people activity means sitting in front of a computer for hours and perhaps driving from place to place. There are many things that can impact your ability to sleep well, and physical activity is just one of them.

When you look at all there is available to stay in shape and learn fitness facts, then you will appreciate it more. While you might begin an exercise program with a very specific goal, such as losing a certain number of pounds, you?ll probably find that there are many other side benefits as well. This is your life, and you can make of it whatever you choose so make good choices.

Michael Benites is a contributing specialist, author, as well as writer for numerous wellness, bodybuilding, and even medical publications. He is a well-known coach who has worked with numerous high-level athletes including professional bodybuilders, Seasoned golfers, as well as fitness competitors to Olympic hammer throwers.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

This Beats Laptop is Your Bigger-Than-Jesus Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

I have this recurring dream. You're in it, too. As is Dr. Dre. We're in my dressing room ? which is pretty much the largest dressing room you've ever seen. There's a pool encircled by flames. And there's a horse in the pool. Scores of hot females in vampire costumes are serving up drinks. No idea. The Doctor is talking to me about my latest tune, he's saying it's pretty amazing. I'm like, "Yeah, I know." He's begging ? imploring me ? to join up with him. More »


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Business Case for Social Customer Service | Our Social Times

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As we?ve highlighted in our recent social customer service posts, while most brands have now grasped the value of social media marketing, very few are investing properly in genuine social customer service.?It?s timely, then, that with The Social Customer 2012?(London) just days away, immediate future?have published a free white paper highlighting the costs and benefits of implementing social customer service.

Adam Lewis, Managing Consultant at the London social media agency, put it this way:??There?s often a fear that social will open up Pandora?s Box for customer service teams - an unquantifiable wave of hard-to-handle customer interactions?.

While there are lots of reasons why organisations haven?t adopted social customer services, scalability, or the feared lack of it, may well be the #1 reason why ? as?Frank Eliason?is quoted as saying in the Holmes Report today ? ?social customer service has been a complete failure?.

So is this fear well-founded?

At my?Monitoring Social Media Boot-camp in 2010 Giles Palmer, MD of the UK monitoring company, Brandwatch, explained how, out of 100,000 mentions that they monitored for a client over 6 months, they highlighted about 4,500 and the client ended up responding to less than 2,000. Anyone who understands social media listening will echo this finding. If you?ve got smart analysts, you don?t need to deal with noise.

I suspect, though, the fear is more about attracting, or even generating, thousands more social media queries simply by offering a social media customer service channel. Yet this smacks of brands putting their head in the sand. As immediate future point out ?In this multichannel world [customers] expect more support through channels that are convenient to them, not you?. And to hammer this message home, they add ?The fastest growing age group of social media users between now and 2015 will be 65-75 year olds?.

You can download a free copy of immediate future?s white paper here.

immediate future?s Managing Director, Katy Howell, will be speaking at The Social Customer 2012 in London this Thursday. Our impressive speaker line-up features Frank Eliason (Citibank), plus senior executives from Spotify, BT, British Gas, First Direct, Expedia, Everything Everywhere, Telefonica and ACCA. Follow the Tweet stream @ #scrm12.


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Interview with Kathi Macias | Henry McLaughlin

Special Delivery is book two in the Freedom (human trafficking) series. For anyone who may not have? read book one, Deliver Me From Evil,?can you fill us in on the focus of the series in general, and Special Delivery in particular? ? The Freedom series is a three-book fiction series built around the horrifying topic of human trafficking. People often ask me why I decided to write about such a dark topic. First, I explain that I?m not writing about a dark topic; I?m writing about the Light that shines in that darkness. And second, I believe the Church should be at the forefront of the modern-day abolition movement to set the captives (modern-day slaves) free. The three books in this series specifically follows the life of a young woman named Mara, who was sold into sexual slavery by her own parents in Mexico, and then smuggled across the border into San Diego by her uncle who then served as her pimp. A strong sub-plot throughout the series tells of two sisters in the Golden Triangle of Thailand, Chanthra and Lawan, who are also trapped in a brothel. Finally, a teenage girl named Francesca, kidnapped in Juarez, Mexico, and forced into prostitution, is introduced in book two. Special Delivery picks up two years after book one, Deliver Me From Evil, ends, and continues with the stories of Mara and Lawan, as well as others carried over from book one. Mara hopes she is finally free to pursue her own life because she was rescued from the brothel and her testimony helped lock up her uncle for life. But the man has underground connections and is driven by revenge to reach out from behind bars and deliver the ultimate punishment to his niece.

This isn?t the first fiction series you?ve written on nationwide?and even worldwide social issues, the one previous to this being the? persecuted Church. What draws you to these difficult topics? ?

As a Christian, I believe I am compelled to use my God-given gifts to honor God in all I do?and that includes exposing the deeds of darkness, calling sinners to repentance, and taking a stand for righteousness by doing all I can to help rescue those who are suffering. I dare not turn my back on ?the least of these.? I also believe that God placed this sort of burden on my heart even before I became a Christian at the age of 26. I?ve always been a champion of the underdog, a ?soap-box? preacher, if you will. When I met Jesus, I simply redirected that passion toward His people, realizing I couldn?t effect real change in my own strength anyway.
With?your obvious passion to right social and moral wrongs through the power of?the Gospel, how did writing and speaking enter into that?
I?ve known I wanted to be a writer since I was a child?never wanted to do anything else. When I was a teenager I told my then boyfriend (now husband) that I was going to be a writer one day. What a blessing that God allowed me to fulfill that dream! After becoming a believer and growing in my faith, it was natural to take my passion to fight for others and incorporate it into my writing. Speaking, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. I was terrified of public speaking when I was young, and the day I received Christ I made a ?bargain? with God, promising to do anything He asked of me?so long as it didn?t include public speaking. (Does God have a sense of humor or what???) Now, when I stand in front of audiences where I believe God has called me to speak (and actually find myself enjoying it!), I tell my listeners that if God has called them to do something and they feel it?s impossible, they can consider me their ?visual aid? that NOTHING is impossible with God IF we will simply take that first step of obedience and let Him fulfill His purpose in and through us.
With the topics of the worldwide persecuted Church and human trafficking under?your belt, what other issues are you dealing with in your writing?

My Christmas 2011 book, A Christmas Journey Home, dealt with the immigration/border problem, and my Christmas 2012 novel, Unexpected Christmas Hero, will be about homelessness in America. The next issues-related fiction series I have on tap?which I am just starting to write, by the way?is called the ?Patches of Courage? series and will begin releasing in late January 2013. Book one is The Moses Quilt, based on the life of Harriet Tubman, and will be followed by The Christmas Quilt and The Impossible Quilt. This series of books will highlight historical American women whose Christian faith enabled them to walk in great courage and make a difference in the lives of countless people.
Where can people find out about you and your books/speaking/appearances?

They can go directly to my website ( or or my Easy Writer blog: I?m also on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, and various other social sites. Would love to hear from all of you!

Where can people find out about free book giveaways on this blog tour?
The blog tour host is giving away a set of two books from the Freedom Series -? Book 1 (Deliver Me From Evil) and Book 2 (Special Delivery). Also, readers can follow @ChristianSpkrs on Twitter or follow on Facebook at for more book giveaway locations on the tour.
I was given a complimentary copy of? this book from the author in exchange for posting the author?s interview? on my blog. This blog tour is managed by Christian Speakers Services (


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

1929 Ford Tri-Motor Plane Gives Glimpse of Bygone Era of Air Travel

Members of the media?get a history lesson from pilot Cody Welch before a preview flight in the Experimental Aircraft Association's restored 1929 Ford Tri-Motor at the Plant City Municipal Airport on Thursday.


Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 10:59 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 10:59 p.m.

PLANT CITY | The 1929 Ford Tri-Motor's corrugated tin exterior trimmed in blue shimmered on the tarmac.

But suddenly, the plane's three, nine-cylinder engines roared to life Thursday at the Plant City Municipal Airport.

Slowly it crept forward and gained speed. At 80 mph, it climbed into the air.

Through Sunday, visitors to the airport can hitch a ride in the plane. It's one of only three in operation and one of 16 known in the world. Most of the remaining models are in museums or private collection.

The cost is $80 per person, and the money is used to help support the Experimental Aircraft Association, the plane's owner.

Inside, padded seats and finished wood paneling provide a glimpse of the 1920s era of air travel, where men dressed in suits and women in their finest dresses and hats.

Air travel in those days was a luxury.

Today, this kind of air travel is an attraction, albeit a traveling one. And pilot Cody Welch is there to help educate those fascinated by the aeronautical traveling museum.

This was the plane that beget commercial air travel, Welch explained.

A concept developed by Henry and Edsel Ford, the Ford Tri-Motor was supposed to revolutionize the industry, Welch explained in a preflight history lesson.

"Henry's vision was that you could use aviation to reduce the differences between people," he said.

But the plane was plagued with efficiency problems.

It was heavy, it had a top speed of about 85 miles per hour, it guzzled gasoline and could only travel about 250 miles (depending on the headwind) before needing to refuel.

The engines in use on the plane today consume about a gallon of gas every minute.

"But something had to come along and birth the industry," Welch said. The tri-motor planes were in use from about 1927 to 1932.

This particular one, which anyone can ride, was built in 1929 and was originally purchased by Eastern Air Transport, which eventually because Eastern Airlines. It was the company's first plane.

After its run at Eastern, it was sold to Cubana Airlines in Cuba and served as the Air Force One equivalent to the Dominican Republic's dictator at the time. It also flew in barnstorming air shows, which is similar to its use today, and it was used as a crop duster and forest fire plane.

It also had a brief Hollywood stint and was used in "The Family Jewels," which starred Jerry Lewis.

But now, the EAA, which purchased the plane in 1985 after it was damaged in a storm, is touring with the plane to 150 cities around the country. Its next stop is in Sarasota.

"What we're doing is bringing antiquity out across the country," said Welch, a retired airline pilot.

[ Jeremy Maready can be reached at or 863-802-7592. ]


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Friday, March 23, 2012

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Libraries in Windows Explorer can be confusing. However, adding a folder to the Pictures library can make it easier if you?re always navigating to the same places for images not stored in My Pictures.

Like favorites, ?adding? a folder to a library doesn?t actually move it. It just links it, making it easier to find. Right-click on the Pictures library icon in the Navigation pane of Windows Explorer and choose Properties. Then, click on the Include a Folder button. Navigate to where you store images to select. Then OK. Your pictures are now a click away!

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Way to feed the Internet trolls, Alec Baldwin!

Mike Seger/Reuters

Alec Baldwin (R) and girlfriend Hilaria Thomas, February 4, 2012.

By Helen A.S. Popkin



Flagship brand of the Long Island acting fraternity Alec Baldwin recently rallied his followers in an all-out offensive against an alleged Twitter stalker harassing his girlfriend, Hilaria Thomas.

According to the Hollywood Reporter:

Baldwin gave out the Twitter handle of the user, @scarfacemadam, whom he said "has entered the twitter-verse ONLY to harass my girlfriend" in a way "that is borderline threatening." He asked users to "go to her address and read just a few of her posts, and give her your notice of her behavior."

The request worked -- the user, who had been encouraging Thomas to leave Baldwin, soon deleted her profile, after being inundated with harsh tweets.

Way to deploy a LGM-30G Minuteman-III intercontinental ballistic missile?to a Twitter fight, guy.

Live Poll

Did Alec Baldwin do the right thing?

Look. I ain't gonna lie. As far as I'm concerned, pretty much everything Alec Baldwin does ? acting or in real life ? is awesome ? with, of course, the exception of that leaked voice mail message to his daughter. But hey, that was never any of my business, and anyhoo I guarantee he's a better parent than any I ever had.

That said, if Baldwin wants to play 4chan ? posting identifying information of an individual with the suggestion of harassment ??he should learn the iconic Web forum's Rules of the Internet, specifically rule 14: "Do not argue with a troll ? it means that they win."

If the troll harassing his GF really is as bad as he says, then it's way to fuel a psycho stalker, Alec Baldwin!

Conversely, if the troll is just your run-of-the-mill Internet jerk (with or without diagnosable mental issues), then Baldwin just sent thousands of people in that troll's direction.?While many of the Twitter attacks against @scarfacemadam?can't compare to the jillions of death threats tweeted by Justin Bieber fans should someone so much as insult a perfect hair on his well-manicured head, they aren't pretty. Certainly nothing one should throw the way of a person suffering any kind of mental or emotional disturbance. For example, these:

@Scarfacemadam?You are one crazy, psycho a**?b****. Seriously. Grow up. Leave?@alecbaldwin?& his gf alone.?#***clown

@Scarfacemadam?why don't you go f*** yourself and stop harassing people.. I'm sure?@alecbaldwin?has not affected you personally.#b****

?@Scarfacemadam?you're kinda a?b****?maybe u should log off twitter and find something better to do... harassing over the internet is DUMB

The irony of?all of the?above is kind of awesome if, say, one isn't outfitted with an empathy chip.

Granted, Baldwin is a dude given to short bursts of public rage that are often pretty on target. Society needs guys like this to shake things up.

Take for example, Baldwin's last Twitter twantrum after he was booted from an American Airlines flight in December because he wouldn't stop playing "Words with Friends" while the jet was still waiting on the tarmac.?Earlier this week, the New York Times reported that the FAA is considering its ban on digital reading devices during taxi, take-off and landing. ?

Note, however, that in the case of American Airlines,?Baldwin unleashed his furor against a corporation. Just like Kevin Smith's own righteous Twitter twantrum against Southwest Airlines when the director claimed he was booted from his flight for being too fat to fly. In both cases, the targets were giant organizations outfitted with the public relations departments more than capable of dealing with the fallout.

When a celebrity directs his?fanatic legion (which has various states of mental stability) against a single, not-famous person, that's feeding a troll at best, and at worst, straight-up bullying.

Dude seriously needs to?take a tip from Ice-T?who issued the Best (NSFW) Twitter Insult Ever after musician Ami Mann commented on his acting ability (or lack thereof) via the microblogging platform.

As Gawker noted at the time: "Do not get in a Twitter fight with a person whose followers consider themselves an organized army, as Ice-T's Final Level Twitter Gang does."

After a plethora of Twitter apologies from Mann, Ice T called off the angry mob: "OK. Homegirl apologized ?? Say no more. FLTG Cease fire! Once again there's Peace in Twitterland. Ice T. "

Take note Baldwin: This is how a benevolent Twit-tator rolls.

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job?on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook. Also,?Google+.

More on the annoying way we live now:


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Conserving Chagos: Nelsons Island

We awoke around 4:30 this morning to the clanking of the anchor being raised. Those of us who were lucky were able to get back to sleep for another couple of hours. After breakfast we arrived at Nelsons Island, the most isolated island here, perched on the northern rim of the Great Chagos Bank.

Nelsons Island was never inhabited. People came from the other atolls only to collect birds, turtles and the eggs, and so for that reason, there are no rats. Instead, there are thousands of birds.

Pete Carr, the expedition ornithologist, was very enthusiastic about getting onto the island to continue his ongoing monitoring of the spectacular bird populations. He was first in line waiting for the RIB to take us ashore. Well, not quite ashore, as it was low tide with fairly rough sea conditions and the island is surrounded by reef. We had to jump into the water and swim 20 metres or so onto the reef and fight our way through the surf into shallow water. But it was worth it.

Pete Carr takes on the story from here:

Tuesday was a non-diving day for the divers and the first visit to an island that was known to be rat-free and categorized as an International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Important Bird Area: Nelsons Island. After a challenging swim ashore that involved navigating over the island?s reef fringe, bird research and monitoring was underway.

Nelsons Island is a unique place in the Chagos. Only two species of tree have colonised the island ? Pisonia and Coconut ? and both appear to have arrived naturally. The vast remainder of the island is covered by the shrubs Scaveola and Argusia. This has brought about the unusual circumstance of red-footed boobies breeding in coconut trees in some numbers ? this is the only island in the Chagos where this occurs. (Possibly Nelsons is younger than other islands as other tree species have not yet arrived. So, boobies breed on what is available, offering a view of a Chagos island 10,000 years ago?)

The island remains in excellent health. Lesser noddy breeding numbers are equivalent to what they were in 1996 and both red-footed and brown booby breeding populations are at a record high. This is of particular importance because in the Indian Ocean as a whole, populations of boobies are crashing. Of concern is the fact that the brown noddy has still not been found to be breeding in numbers anywhere near their high of 1996.

Even though the sky was overcast and some precipitation fell, the beautiful endemic subspecies of the Meadow Argus butterfly managed to put in a few brief appearances while we were on the island.

Charles Sheppard wraps up the day?s activities:

After returning to the Pacific Marlin, we sailed to the submerged atoll of Victory Bank, where Tom and Jessica deployed, our BRUV team, several of the stereo video units. A description of that will be in tomorrow?s blog, when they have had time to download the footage

In the evening we continued on to Peros Banhos atoll, where we will be diving for the next three days.

Previously in this series:

Conserving Chagos: Science Expedition to World?s Largest ?Ocean Park?
Conserving Chagos: Starting Out
Conserving Chagos: Manta Rays
Conserving Chagos: Last Day around Diego Garcia
Conserving Chagos: Salomons Atoll
Conserving Chagos: Stormy weather

About the Author: Pete Carr, Scientist

In conjunction with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Pete has recently (2011) published ?Birds of BIOT? (BIOT stands for British Indian Ocean Territory, the administrative name for the Chagos archipelago), a book that summarises the avifauna of the Territory; he was also the author of the original paper that designated the ten IUCN categorised Important Bird Areas (IBAs) within BIOT. As a member of the Chagos 2010 Scientific Research Expedition he was co-responsible for terrestrial monitoring, focusing on ecological restoration priorities, Odonata distribution as well as seabird censuses. For the past three years he has spearheaded forest and wetland restoration work whilst working on Diego Garcia.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10 Things You Should Know About Health Insurance | All About Health

Health insurance is defined as ?a form of collectivism by means of which people collectively pool their risk, in this case the risk of incurring medical expenses?. In simple term, it is a contract between an insurance company and an individual. Let?s look at 10 things you should know about the development in health insurance.

1. This concept was proposed by the Elder Chamberlen from the Peter Chamberlen family in 1694. They are famous for inventing the modern use of obstetrical forceps. In 1694, Hugh the Elder Chamberlen published a book advocating health insurance.
2. In the 19th century, ?accident insurance? which is quite similar to disability insurance began to be introduced in United States by the Franklin Health Assurance Company of Massachusetts which was founded in 1850. The plan covered injuries arising from railroad and steamboat accidents.
3. Traditional disability insurance evolved into modern health insurance programs during the middle to late 20th century.
4. Patients were expected to pay all other health care costs at their own expense before the development of medical expense insurance.
5. Blue Cross organisations were developed in 1929 by Justin Ford Kimball. Blue Cross is a name used by an association of health insurance plans throughout the United States. The first plan guaranteed teachers at Baylor University in Dallas, Texas, 21 days of hospital care for $6 a year. This plan was then introduced to other employee groups in Dallas and then nationally.
6. In 1939, the Blue Cross Symbol was adopted by the American Hospital Association as the emblem for plans meeting certain standards. The Blue Cross Association superseded the American Hospital Association in 1960.
7. Today there are hundreds of insurance companies offering not only medical but also dental plan.
8. In the United States, study found that 62 percent of all bankruptcies filed in 2007 were linked to medical expenses.
9. On 11th August 2009, US President Barack Obama said ??Nearly 46 million Americans don?t have health insurance coverage today.? He further said that it is vulnerable to those uninsured as if something happens, they go bankrupt, or they don?t get the care they need.
10. U.S. News named Fallon Community Health Plan, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organisation, Preferred Care and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest as the Top 5 Best Medicare Plans for the Year 2009/2010.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Advantages Of New Exterior Doors ? The Queen of Cougars

By Keith Pollow

The ideal exterior door would be affordable, attractive, durable, weather-resistant and secure. That may seem like a lot to ask of a door, but a variety of doors are up to the task. The benefits don?t stop there either. Exterior doors enhance the look of a home, inside and out. Exterior doors with glass panels not only let more light into the home, but allow homeowners to identify visitors before opening the door, improving security. Quality doors improve the insulation of a home, too, reducing heating and cooling costs. With a smooth operation and low maintenance materials, new exterior doors can add convenience to life at home as well.

For homeowners who are considering selling their home at a future date, the benefits of quality exteriors door are even more numerous. Home improvements that improve the appearance of homes traditionally have higher resale values than other kinds of home improvement projects. When it comes to recovering the costs of a project, an entry door replacement tops the list. Homeowners can expect to recoup 60 to 100 percent of the cost for entry doors when it comes time to sell their homes, according to a leading remodeling industry magazine.

Exterior doors are constructed with a wide range of materials, including wood, steel, fiberglass and aluminum. Many doors are made with a combination of materials. It?s the material on the surface that most affects the price of the door.


Wood remains the most popular choice for exterior doors, and wood is the material with the most decorative options. Maple, fir, cherry, oak and mahogany are just some of the woods used to craft wood exterior doors. Paint options are nearly limitless. Solid wood doors are the strongest and the most expensive. New finishes have made modern wood doors are hardier than wood doors made just a few decades ago.


Steel doors are considered the best choice when security is the top priority. Steel exterior doors are also the least expensive option. Cheaper versions demand periodic repainting. Quality steel doors may be clad in vinyl to make them more resistant to moisture, may be coated in wood fiber to provide a surface for paints and stains or may be laminated in wood veneer.


Fiberglass exterior doors are made from a composite construction. Fiberglass is molded over a wood framework filled with foam insulation. Fiberglass doors require no maintenance and are a good choice for areas with inclement weather. Fiberglass doors give the appearance of wood but are more durable than doors made from wood alone.


Aluminum exterior doors are can be custom built for homeowners as well. They are available from some door and window dealers. Like fiberglass doors, they are made with a insulation filled frame. Most homeowners purchase pre-hung exterior doors, with the frame included. New exterior doors offer a homeowner the opportunity to improve the look of the home, ensuring that the home?s first impression is a pleasant one.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

SEO Norway- Aspects About Website Submission | Internet ...

Home ? Internet marketing

Written By: James Johnsen?on?March 18, 2012 5 Comments

Submitting Your Website to Search Engines: If you have a web-based business or if a significant portion of your business is done on the web through your website, then the best advertising and marketing is done by submitting to a search engine.

No amount of press release, newspaper or radio ad, banner ad, spam email or newsletter will achieve the same results, although, maybe effective in a small proportion. Beware of companies that promise automatic submission of your website to hundreds of search engines which are but only false promises.

The unsurpassed way to submit your web page for search engine ranking and inclusion is to do it yourself or to hire an expert to do it manually, by contacting the search engine firms and directories. Before you begin to submit your website to search engines ensure your websites are thoroughly designed to the professional quality using the right key words, good graphics and pictures and the relevant content.

Do not submit websites that are incomplete. While submitting to a search engine, make sure to provide information about your website, keywords and any other information that may be pertinent, including the name and contact information of your commerce. Mere submission to search engine providers does not guarantee that your site would be immediately listed and the ranking will be high. Because there are thousands of new websites coming up every day and it may take quite some time before they take up your site for review by human editors. One imperative aspect to keep in mind while sending site is to include a site map of your web site which makes the crawling painless for the web robots.

Search engines like Google hardly considers submissions without sitemaps. There are many online companies that accept search engine submission services. If you would like to promote your website in Denmark, check out SEO Denmark

Specialized search engine optimization,PPC and video promotion services are now available to rank businesses in Norway to the 1st spot in the Search engine results with SEO solutions. Contact SEO expert today for your marketing needs.

Tags: Internet marketing


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reversible Outdoor Mats: The Numerous Every Day Uses | | Home ...

For lawn use as well as travel, reversible outdoor mats are a ?must have? for everybody and anybody who spends time outside. They can provide you with comfort and a lovely aesthetic experience to a mixed bag of out of doors uses, and you might find that you want to have a few of them available to be employed in many various situations. So just what are they able to be used for? Here are some excellent ideas:

Back Patio:

The fact is that patios are very good for keeping your feet clean of debris and other dirt that you would have to step on if you otherwise did not have that paved surface in your lawn area but with that paved surface comes the uncomfortableness of having to walk on a solid surface. And, often that hard surface is either extraordinarily hot or awfully cold depending on the season. With reversible outdoor mats, you are able to add some temperate cushion between you and that paved patio area. These are good for placing under lounge chairs, table sets, or maybe just in large and well-trafficked areas of your patio, too.

Camping and RVing:

If you?ve got an outdoorsy sort of family that enjoys tent camping, traveling in a travel trailer, or RVing, you definitely will want to lay out the welcome mat, so to speak, anywhere and everywhere you might travel to. These reversible outdoor mats actually let you stake your claim on your temporary homestead, and they also make a natural, dirt-free barrier between the ground and your indoor sleeping and living space so that your living area stays a little freer of dirt and debris. Many of those mats are completely green and are designed not to crush or kill the foliage living beneath.


Who would like to wear their shoes in a hammock? A hammock is positively a place to chill and relax, literally! When you place one of those mats beneath your hammock, you can slip off your shoes, slide right into your hammock, and take it easy. When you?re going to get up, you can roll over onto the comfortable surface of your mat to stand up straight and slide your shoes back on. You do not have to fret about your relaxing moment being trashed by sticks and rocks poking into your feet or by bugs crawling into your shoes while you are relaxing.

Plenty of Uses:

As you can see, there are a potpourri of excellent purposes that these mats may be employed for, and if you?re like most people, you might want to pick up several to have on hand. More than this , however , is the incontrovertible fact that reversible outdoor mats have a doubly pleasing aesthetic benefit. Because they?ve an attractive design, pattern, or basic colour on each side, you can flip them over from time to time to enjoy a very different look for your space. You don?t have to stress about losing interest with one specific look! Take a while today to go looking for the right mats for your space, and start to enjoy the comfort and beauty they can provide to your life!

Outdoor mats have a variety of functions whether you are headed to the beach or a retreat in your backyard!

Related posts:

  1. How To Purchase Climatiseur Reversible At A Low Worth
  2. Some Things To Consider In Selecting Indoor And Entrance Mats
  3. Get The Right Choice With Outdoor TV And Patio Furniture
  4. All About Different Sorts Of Floor Mats Along With Their Benefits
  5. Outdoor Dining Furniture ? Put Your Deck Into Excellent Use


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PFT: Marshall has no fear of being suspended

Brandon MarshallAP

At his introductory press conference as a Chicago Bear, Brandon Marshall said that despite allegations that he punched a woman at a nightclub over the weekend, he?s certain when the facts come out he will not be facing any legal problems, or any NFL discipline.

Asked if he?s afraid the NFL will suspend him, Marshall said there?s no reason to worry about that.

?Absolutely not. No fear at all. Once it has taken its course, I think you will see things totally different, and we?re excited about the process,? Marshall said, via Sean Jensen of the Chicago Sun-Times. ?I understand and I get the perception out there. Those are the seeds that I?ve planted early on in my career up until last year.?

Marshall acknowledged that his past off-field problems make him easy to criticize, but he said in this case he did nothing wrong.

?In due time, the truth will be out, and we?re excited about that,? Marshall said. ?Given my history, I definitely understand the concern and the questions.?

Marshall has to be concerned not only with the authorities being satisfied that he did nothing wrong, but also with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell?s take on the situation. Marshall has already been suspended once, in 2008, for violating the league?s personal conduct policy, and if the NFL finds that he did anything wrong in this case he?d be a repeat offender subject to stricter discipline. Goodell has made clear in previous cases that even players who aren?t arrested or criminally charged (like Ben Roethlisberger) can be suspended.

Knowing that, Bears General Manager Phil Emery doesn?t come across as quite so confident Marshall won?t be suspended.

?We?re getting a little far ahead of the process,? Emery said Thursday. ?It is a process. The league has contacted us. We?re in contact with the league. We are working through this process with them, along with ourselves and doing our own work. I think that?s just getting a little far ahead of the process. We will monitor the process and follow it through its conclusion.?

Marshall is confident that conclusion will be him on the field in a Bears uniform for Week One.


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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Home Health/Chore Care Business Advertising? - Home Health In ...

- Chosen by Voters Things that occur to me include:Asking senior centers if you can leave brochures;putting ads in senior-targeting publications locally (example, some senior housing areas have their own newspaper or computer site that takes ads); radio?especially the ones that have significant senior populations listening;churches;talk to pharmacists?they know this population and the local market. Some might allow some flyers to be left there.Send info to assorted agencies that deal with seniors?Area Agency on Aging, food banks, etc. and see if you get lucky enough to have an employee respond to you with ideas or say they can allow you to leave materials or such there. You might be able to get lucky with one or two.See if anyone covers "new businesses" or such locally?TV, papers, etc. and would do a little segment on you.You can also see if any insurance companies that offer Medicare HMO plans will let you get on with them as SOME of those plans might consider a few days of such care worth offering to prevent folks from ending up at a skilled facility or with a nurse or CNA going to the home. Won't make much, but would get some word-of-mouth. 4 years ago 100% 1 Vote


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Bella Bells ? Exercise equipment Hire

Senior high school gyms are generally used for sports such for the reason that basketball and additionally wrestling, however gymnasiums are la gym spaces and still have the potential to allow for countless people. This for sure whether you?re your own business hoping that provides gym factories for buyers, or if you?re you who just likes to deal with their unique private gym of saving themselves all the commute that usually puts people far from doing all the workout they had projected.

?Training devices companies lots of years ago started to experiment together with new suggestions, churning out a further big device that could increase health and fitness so they would possibly not get that is disregarded in all the competitive marketplace,? assured eager scholar Seth Baird.

To don?t forget, Course Diploma is it will always be the initial step in your job ladder, where you would probably have all of the skills and additionally knowledge imparted, which would a reputable and dependable health instructor. Nautilus offers several home gym training equipment. The very last thing for you to do is buy a bit of fitness equipment to discover it is actually useless mainly because your hallway is far too low. Explosive push-ups also are among the highest choices associated with chest routines. You may well wear usual gym apparel, but An excellent opportunity wearing lumination gym clothes for example shorts and also a sleeveless tshirt.

I pulled parking great deal at 4: 20 a good. m. As stated earlier the item feels pretty soothing don?t just for a person?s sensitive pieces, but also for a whole body too. Before you will hop to the treadmill or maybe sit beneath the weights, ask a health club instructor in the event their materials were mounted by exercise equipment assembly authorities.

It is known as a costly preliminary expense. Fitness mentors educate around the basic parts of physical conditioning and promote their clients to pay attention to grooming his or her?s personality. You demand the moisture being taken beyond your physique when physical exercise and selected fabrics will conduct this simply. It isn?t more likely to hold the exact same specialized gear just like a professional gymnasium, so certain changes are going to be required. The Sun-drenched Pro Household Cycling Bike is about $300 ($322 in case you wanted to add new a mat for excellent measure. Gym centers cannot provides you with the flexibility of enjoying your most-liked music quantity at big volumes whilst you work available. You?ll get many same rewards as coming from running, but it isn?t really as hard on the joints. And definitely get started in this training program slowly and pick the pace.


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Friday, March 16, 2012

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tom Murro: Cosmo Honors the Somewhat Fun and Fearless


It was a fun night at the Mandarin Hotel in New York City to honor some of the most interesting men and women from the past 12 months. Celebrities gathered on the red carpet last week for the 15th annual Fun Fearless Awards presented by Cosmopolitan Magazine.

Upon entering, I quickly found myself striking a pose with Freida Pinto (while she freshened her lipstick) for a few photogs before she hit the red carpet. Also on the carpet was Dakota Fanning, who is all grown up now and very sweet, although I'm not too sure she has done anything all that fun or fearless yet. Chatting with Fanning proved to be a little difficult, as she was surrounded by about 10 people and tight security. Fear not! Difficult is by no means impossible.

After watching the celebrity guests parade down the red carpet we were all directed toward the cocktail hour held on the 35th floor which was noticeably lacking of anyone fun or fearless, at least where the VIPs were concerned. I guess they must have had their own little gathering somewhere in the back. The dinner portion of the night held in the grand ballroom on the 36th floor was another story entirely.

Dinner was an event unto itself (and healthy enough for Moneyball co-star Jonah Hill to still be able to stick to his diet). It started with an autumn green salad with pears, goat cheese and dried cherries with a light maple vinaigrette. The main course was burgundy- braised beef with horseradish gremolata. Dessert was a light raspberry tart with Patron Citronge liqueur.

Leading the list as "Fun Fearless Male of the Year 2012" was Australian actor, Sam Worthington who said, "Well, you think you know who you are in your 20s. When I was in my 20s, I thought I knew who I was. And then as soon as I turned 30, I realized that person has bruises and bumps and dark parts. And you kind of go, well, that's it. I'd rather embrace it than force myself to change. And by embracing those parts of you, you can actually work on them more. You don't act as if you know it all."

Um, what?

Taking home the award of "Fun Fearless Female of the Year 2012" was the super cute Dakota Fanning, who said of her win, "Since I was young, I've always known who I was. I never really had to go through finding who I am. I've always felt really secure."

Another honoree that night, Paul Rudd, entered the stage and said "When I told my wife that I won a Fun and Fearless Male Award, she said, 'I'm not going to go to that dinner with you, because if I did, that would in some way validate and acknowledge this giant falsehood," he explained in his acceptance speech. He went on to say "Actually, it's just because the babysitter bailed on us (that she's not here), but I know the truth." Other winners in attendance included Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert, Jonah Hill, Liam Hemsworth and Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson.

Musical guest for the evening, Robin Thicke, performed a few songs to the delight of a crowd of screaming girls, and dedicated "Lost Without You" to Paul Rudd and Jonah Hill. Rudd and Hill embraced each other and danced romantically before taking to the stage with Robin to continue their antics. See? now that's Fun and Fearless! Jonah was the first to bolt from the party right after Robin finished singing and the lights came up.

On my way to the elevators I bumped into Liam Hemsworth, beau of Miley Cyrus, before riding the elevator down to the lobby with Robin Thicke's hair, I mean Robin Thicke, and a few giggling girls eye-kissing him. On the way down we chatted about Tom Cruise's ultra graciousness at the Mission Impossible premiere back in December. This was where Cruise delayed the opening by like two hours to sign autographs and pose for pics with all of the fans, and where Thicke and I first met as he accompanied his wife Paula Patton, who was starring opposite Cruise in the film.

As we exited the elevator and headed for the door we were handed Cosmo swag bags containing full-sized bottles of bodywash, lipsticks, mascara, and of course the obligatory current issue of Cosmo Magazine.

Thankfully it was still early enough to head home to watch the episode of Hawaii Five-O I recorded starring James Caan, who proved you can also be Fun and Fearless even at 71.


Follow Tom Murro on Twitter:


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Girl, 6, to be youngest ever in National Spelling Bee

A 6-year-old girl will become the youngest contestant ever in the Scripps National Spelling Bee after winning a regional competition in Virginia.

Lori Anne Madison, of Woodbridge, Virginia, won the Prince William County spelling contest last week, beating out 21 top elementary and middle school competitors. Her winning word: "vaquero," a word of Spanish origin meaning cowboy.

"My parents quiz me. I read lists and I have a really good memory," Madison, who is home-schooled, told Fox's WTTG-TV.

Her mother, Sorina Vlaicu Madison, told that her daughter had also practiced that word specifically.

?We really insisted on that word so I knew for sure she would nail it,? she said.

Madison was believed to be the youngest competitor ever, the Cincinnati-based National Spelling Bee said on Tuesday. Based on incomplete records, the previous youngest contestant was 8, it said.

The spelling contest has been held since 1925. This year's event will be held May 29 to June 1 in Washington with 277 spellers from the United States, U.S. territories and other countries.

Madison will be sponsored by the News & Messenger newspaper of Manassas, Virginia.

Besides being able to participate in the national spelling bee, Madison also received a trophy, a Webster's Third New International Dictionary and gift cards to Barnes & Noble from the Bel Air Woman's Club.

Last week's competition marked the second time Madison participated in the local spelling bee. In 2011, she finished in the top five, reported. Her experience paid off.

?It was better this time. It felt better,? she told as she gripped her trophy. ?Look, this trophy is different from last year?s!?

? 2012


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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Get a Massage: Research Backs it Up! ? SAPT

My amazing spouse surprised me with a short getaway this past weekend. He coordinated everything: Arabella?s weekend care, room at the Gaylord in the National Harbor, meals, and ? what I want to focus on ? a massage.

It?s been a while since I had a really good massage. My last one was also a pregnancy massage, which I thought was a bit too light ? I mean, just cause I?m pregnant, doesn?t mean I?m not training. So, I was pleasantly surprised when this therapist really started digging into the muscle adhesions.

She effectively addressed my trouble areas: upper back, lower back, and calves. Plus, found an unexpected problem area in my lateral deltoids.

Ryan?s therapist attacked the root of his elbow tendonitis by working on his forearms and, hopefully, reiterated (in his mind) the importance of soft-tissue care for this type of ailment.

This was us... except I had to lay on my side like a beached whale.

This experience got me thinking about all the benefits that have been proven to be associated with massage:

Are you an athlete with athsma? If so, read this? a little massage will likely improve your pulmonary function (and, bonus alert, feel amazing):

Pulmonary Functions of Children with Asthma Improve Following Massage Therapy. Objectives: This study aimed at evaluating the effect of massage therapy on the pulmonary functions of stable Egyptian children with asthma. Design: This study was an open, randomized, controlled trial. Settings/location: The study was conducted in pediatric allergy and chest unit of the New Children?s Hospital of Cairo University, Egypt. Subjects and interventions: Sixty (60) children with asthma were divided randomly into two equal groups: massage therapy group and control group. Subjects in the massage therapy group received a 20-minute massage therapy by their parents at home before bedtime every night for 5 weeks in addition to the standard asthma treatment. The control group received the standard asthma treatment alone for 5 weeks. Outcome measures: Spirometry was performed for all children on the first and last days of the study. Forced expiratory flow in first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were recorded. Results: At the end of the study, mean FEV1 of the massage therapy group was significantly higher than controls (2.3?0.8 L versus 1.9?0.9 L, p=0.04). There was no significant difference in FVC (2.5?0.8 L versus 2.7?0.7 L, p=0.43). However, FEV1/FVC ratio showed a significant improvement in the massage therapy group (92.3?21.5 versus 69.5?17, p<0.01). PEF difference was not significant (263.5?39.6 L/minute versus 245.9?32 L/minute, p=0.06). Conclusions: A beneficial role for massage therapy in pediatric asthma is suggested. It improved the key pulmonary functions of the children, namely, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio. However, further research on a larger scale is warranted.

No, asthma? Just a regular ol? person? This study indicates all kinds of great biologic effects:

A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Single Session of Swedish Massage on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and Immune Function in Normal Individuals. Objectives: Massage therapy is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States with 8.7% of adults receiving at least one massage within the last year; yet, little is known about the physiologic effects of a single session of massage in healthy individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine effects of a single session of Swedish massage on neuroendocrine and immune function. It was hypothesized that Swedish Massage Therapy would increase oxytocin (OT) levels, which would lead to a decrease in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activity and enhanced immune function. Design: The study design was a head-to-head, single-session comparison of Swedish Massage Therapy with a light touch control condition. Serial measurements were performed to determine OT, arginine-vasopressin (AVP), adrenal corticotropin hormone (ACTH), cortisol (CORT), circulating phenotypic lymphocytes markers, and mitogen-stimulated cytokine production. Setting: This research was conducted in an outpatient research unit in an academic medical center. Subjects: Medically and psychiatrically healthy adults, 18-45 years old, participated in this study. Intervention: The intervention tested was 45 minutes of Swedish Massage Therapy versus a light touch control condition, using highly specified and identical protocols. Outcome measures: The standardized mean difference was calculated between Swedish Massage Therapy versus light touch on pre- to postintervention change in levels of OT, AVP, ACTH, CORT, lymphocyte markers, and cytokine levels. Results: Compared to light touch, Swedish Massage Therapy caused a large effect size decrease in AVP, and a small effect size decrease in CORT, but these findings were not mediated by OT. Massage increased the number of circulating lymphocytes, CD 25+ lymphocytes, CD 56+ lymphocytes, CD4 + lymphocytes, and CD8+ lymphocytes (effect sizes from 0.14 to 0.43). Mitogen-stimulated levels of interleukin (IL)-1?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, and IFN-? decreased for subjects receiving Swedish Massage Therapy versus light touch (effect sizes from ?0.22 to ?0.63). Swedish Massage Therapy decreased IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 levels relative to baseline measures. Conclusions: Preliminary data suggest that a single session of Swedish Massage Therapy produces measurable biologic effects. If replicated, these findings may have implications for managing inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.

Thinking about getting a pre-event massage before your next competition? BE CAREFUL with your decision and KNOW yourself!

Psychophysiological effects of preperformance massage before isokinetic exercise. Sports massage provided before an activity is called pre-event massage. The hypothesized effects of pre-event massage include injury prevention, increased performance, and the promotion of a mental state conducive to performance. However, evidence with regard to the effects of pre-event massage is limited and equivocal. The exact manner in which massage produces its hypothesized effects also remains a topic of debate and investigation. This randomized single-blind placebo-controlled crossover design compared the immediate effects of pre-event massage to a sham intervention of detuned ultrasound. Outcome measures included isokinetic peak torque assessments of knee extension and flexion; salivary flow rate, cortisol concentration, and [alpha]-amylase activity; mechanical detection thresholds (MDTs) using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments and mood state using the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire. This study showed that massage before activity negatively affected subsequent muscle performance in the sense of decreased isokinetic peak torque at higher speed (p < 0.05). Although the study yielded no significant changes in salivary cortisol concentration and [alpha]-amylase activity, it found a significant increase in salivary flow rate (p = 0.03). With the massage intervention, there was a significant increase in the MDT at both locations tested (p < 0.01). This study also noted a significant decrease in the tension subscale of the POMS for massage as compared to placebo (p = 0.01). Pre-event massage was found to negatively affect muscle performance possibly because of increased parasympathetic nervous system activity and decreased afferent input with resultant decreased motor-unit activation. However, psychological effects may indicate a role for pre-event massage in some sports, specifically in sportspeople prone to excessive pre-event tension.

Outside of these few studies, there are loads of studies supporting massage for everything from improving brain development in preterm babies to care for cancer patients to treating chronic constipation.

Pretty interesting stuff and perhaps something to add to your self-care to-do list.


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