Friday, July 6, 2012

me-ander: Cancer Blogs: RivkA, Superman Sam, Heather...

We all blog for different reasons.? One thing that has motivated many of us is the need to let off steam.? My Shiloh Musings blog is for that political "steam" aggravation, letting the world know the truth of what's going on here in Israel, especially Shiloh.? I consider it a public service of sorts, my own way to broadcast for the hasbara? pro-Israel information efforts, even when I'm writing about the mundane.? This blog is more for the mundane and personal.

But in terms of combining the personal and the mundane?in a very different mix, there are the "cancer blogs," which are very?important for those involved and to put a real face on those who are fighting for life and for their families.

In the jblogging world the first one of that genre is/was RivkA's Coffee and Chemo in which she chronicled her losing battle with what was first diagnosed as DCIS, stage ZERO breast cancer, at age 39.? Even though you already know the sad ending to her story, it's still worthwhile going to the blog and reading her posts.? Cancer may have had destroyed her body, but it didn't damage her spirit.? I met her in person a few times, and she was a truly amazing young woman.

A few short weeks ago, the popular blogger the Bima Ima sadly blogged to us that her six year old son Sam had just been diagnosed with? acute myeloid leukemia.? She and her husband are now chronicling their fight to bring Sam back to full health on Superman Sam, a very honest blog about their feelings and Sam's health.? If you want, please add Sam to your ????? ????? refuah shleimah, complete recovery list, Shmuel Asher ben haRav Pesah Esther.

Honestly, I don't go looking for these cancer blogs, but recently a writer of one, Heather, contacted me via comments on my blogs.? She didn't say what she wanted from me,? just that she needed to hear from me.? I kept wondering if I had made a mistake by sending an email to a mystery person, terrified that I had set myself up for a computer virus or something like that.? The fact that she wrote her email with the word "dot" rather than "." did make me feel a bit safer, but still...? It ends up that Heather wanted me to either give her a chance to post on my blog or at least that I'd mention it.?

Heather Von St. James, Courageous mother, wife and survivor of mesothelioma cancer.? Read about Heather ?

That's why I'm writing about cancer blogs this morning.? Good health to all and Shabbat Shalom


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