Friday, January 20, 2012

France mulls early Afghanistan pullout as 4 killed

U.S. soldiers with the NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stand guard at the scene of a suicide attack in Kandahar south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. A suicide attacker blew himself up Thursday at an entrance to a sprawling base for U.S. and NATO operations in southern Afghanistan, killing at least six civilians, police said. (AP Photo/Allauddin Khan)

U.S. soldiers with the NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stand guard at the scene of a suicide attack in Kandahar south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. A suicide attacker blew himself up Thursday at an entrance to a sprawling base for U.S. and NATO operations in southern Afghanistan, killing at least six civilians, police said. (AP Photo/Allauddin Khan)

A U.S. soldier with the NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) walks past by a damaged vehicle at the scene of a suicide attack in Kandahar south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. A suicide attacker blew himself up Thursday at an entrance to a sprawling base for U.S. and NATO operations in southern Afghanistan, killing at least six civilians, police said. (AP Photo/Allauddin Khan)

(AP) ? France suspended its training operations in Afghanistan and threatened to withdraw its entire force from the country early, after an Afghan wearing an army uniform shot and killed four French troops Friday and wounded others.

The attack ? the second time this month an Afghan soldier has killed French forces ? came during a particularly deadly 24 hours for the international military coalition. Six U.S. Marines also died in a helicopter crash late Thursday.

It was the latest in a series of attacks by members of the Afghan security forces, or those dressed in their uniforms, against coalition partners that have raised fears of increased Taliban infiltration of the Afghan police and army as foreign combat forces prepare to withdraw from the country by 2014. The impact of the French suspending training operations is unclear, but it would result in a major setback for the U.S.-led coalition if other troop-contributing nations stopped training Afghan national security forces or decided to pull out earlier than planned.

French officials said the attack happened during a training exercise at a base jointly operated by French and Afghan forces.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the French deaths in Paris and the suspension of training programs. He did not specify how many French forces or which programs would be affected.

"The French army is in Afghanistan at the service of the Afghans against terrorism and against the Taliban. The French army is not in Afghanistan so that Afghan soldiers can shoot at them," Sarkozy said.

He added that if security for troops is not restored, "then the question of an early withdrawal of the French army would arise."

Defense Minister Gerard Longuet said the French soldiers were unarmed when the attacker opened fire in Gwan in the Kapisa province during a very difficult training exercise at high altitude.

"We don't know at the moment whether it's a Taliban member who infiltrated, or someone who decided (to attack) for reasons that we don't know," he said on France-2 television.

He said the Afghan was in custody of the Afghan army's 3rd brigade, held by a general "whom we trust."

A Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, praised the Afghan attacker but did not claim he was an infiltrator or provide other details.

Afghan Ministry of Defense spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi also said the shooting occurred while Afghan and French forces were on a joint operation in Tagab district. He also did not confirm whether the shooter was an Afghan soldier or a militant dressed as one.

"An individual in an Afghan army uniform opened fire over the French troops," he said. "This happened outside the base while they were on an operation."

The ministry sent a delegation to the area to investigate the shooting, he said, confirming that the attacker was arrested and was being questioned.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai expressed deep regret over the attack.

The number of wounded in the attack was unclear.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said 15 troops were wounded but did not indicate their nationalities. Longuet said eight French troops were wounded, and the commanding officer was in serious condition.

Friday was among the most deadly days for French forces in the 10 years they have been serving in the international force in Afghanistan. The latest deaths bring to 82 the number of French troops killed in the Afghan campaign.

"From now on, all the operations of training and combat help by the French army are suspended," Sarkozy said.

The defense minister and the chief of staff of the French army are heading Friday to Kabul. Once they report back, Sarkozy said, the French government will decide how to proceed.

A big part of the French role in Afghanistan recently has been training Afghan troops and police ahead of an expected pullout of the around 3,600 French troops currently there in 2014.

Unpopular at home, Sarkozy is facing a potentially tough re-election campaign for elections in April and May and appeared determined Friday to act swiftly and sternly to the latest troop deaths.

The candidate who tops opinion polls ahead of France's elections, Socialist Francois Hollande, said in a statement Friday that he would aim to pull out French forces by the end of this year if he becomes president.

Friday's attack was all the more painful for the French because it came just weeks after an Afghan army soldier shot and killed two members of the French Foreign Legion serving in the NATO force on Dec. 29. French forces fired back and killed the assailant.

It remained unclear how likely or swift a French pullout could be. France has the fourth-largest force in the international coalition.

"Today there is clearly a new truth. It is not the first time that an Afghan soldier ... assassinates French soldiers," Foreign Minister Juppe said. He called it a question of "responsibility to adapt our timetable for withdrawal by taking into account these new circumstances."

Longuet was more cautious, saying French officials should maintain calm when making any decisions.

Sarkozy said he'd discuss France's role in Afghanistan with Karzai when he visits Paris next week.

Afghan security forces or insurgents dressed in their uniforms have attacked and killed international troops or civilian trainers more than a dozen times in the past two years, according to an Associated Press count.

Earlier this month, a U.S. service member was killed when a man in an Afghan army uniform opened fire at a base in the south of the country.

In one of the worst incidents, a veteran Afghan military pilot opened fire at Kabul airport on April 27, 2011, killing eight U.S. troops and an American civilian contractor.

In Riga, Latvia, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said this was "a very sad day for our troops in Afghanistan and for the French people," but insisted that such incidents are "isolated."

The helicopter crash, which occurred in the southern Helmand province, was the deadliest in Afghanistan since August, when 30 American troops died after a Chinook helicopter was apparently shot down in Wardak province in the center of the country.

The cause of Thursday's crash is still being investigated, but a coalition statement said there was no enemy activity in the area when it happened.

A senior U.S. defense official said all six reported killed were U.S. Marines and there was no indication that the helicopter had been hit by enemy fire. The defense official spoke on condition of anonymity because the U.S. command in Afghanistan had not yet publicly released details, including the nationalities of the dead.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef claimed insurgents shot down the helicopter, a Chinook, in Musa Qala district of Helmand province, killing all on board. The Taliban frequently exaggerate the number of people they claim to have killed.


Corbet reported from Paris. Associated Press writers Angela Charlton, Jamey Keaten and Samantha Bordes in Paris, and Robert Burns in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Character Plot Armour - Where Do YOU Draw the Line?

...yeah, I honestly couldn't think of a better title than that.

Well, to the issue at hand. Allow me to set forth a hypothetical situation. Which I will not claim to be or not be involved in. :v

You play a character in an RP who holds a position of considerable power and authority. As it happens, another character, who is supposed to be a subordinate in a way to your character, is flaunting your character's authority and constantly jeering at your character and in essence warranting some punishment. Your character, as it also happens, is kinda insane and rather a brutal sadist. In character, your character's natural responce is to outright kill the character--with one catch. Just so happens you're not allowed to kill other characters without permission--because of their plot armour as PCs. It's 'godmodding', and the RPer of said character obviously isn't letting your character kill theirs, but continues to do things that your character, acting IC, would kill them for. What do you do? Doing anything BUT killing the character as punishment, which is what you, as your character's designer, KNOW they would do, would be contrary to your character's personality and purpose.

It applies to other hypothetical situations as well. How far are you willing to sacrifice your own character's intended personality in order to accommodate the RP? My personal belief is that you shouldn't have to at all. If another character does something they know is going to have consequences, they should have to live with it, or get a warning saying "No, really, if you do that, my character's going to kill yours" and give them a chance to correct it.

Anyway, my computer spontaneously started typing ridiculously slow, so I guess thats the end of my post. I'm interested to hear people's thoughts.


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Jackson doc won't be asked to pay restitution

FILE - This Oct. 3, 2011 file photo shows Dr. Conrad Murray listening to testimony during Murray's trial in the death of pop star Michael Jackson in Los Angeles. A restitution hearing for Murray has been canceled after prosecutors told a judge Wednesday that the singer's family was not interested in seeking restitution. (AP Photo/Mario Anzuoni, Pool)

FILE - This Oct. 3, 2011 file photo shows Dr. Conrad Murray listening to testimony during Murray's trial in the death of pop star Michael Jackson in Los Angeles. A restitution hearing for Murray has been canceled after prosecutors told a judge Wednesday that the singer's family was not interested in seeking restitution. (AP Photo/Mario Anzuoni, Pool)

(AP) ? Prosecutors will not seek restitution against the doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson after conferring with the singer's parents and attorneys for his estate and children.

The request for payments from Conrad Murray was withdrawn Wednesday during a brief court hearing, just days before a judge was scheduled to consider how much the former cardiologist should pay to members of Jackson's family or his estate.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren told the judge handling the case that he was withdrawing the restitution request after speaking with Jackson's mother, Katherine, and attorney for his father, Joseph. Walgren also consulted with an attorney for the singer's estate and a court-appointed attorney representing the interests of Jackson's three children, a transcript of the proceedings shows.

Murray remains in jail after being convicted in November of involuntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to serve four years in jail, but his incarceration will be cut in half due to overcrowding and California's budget crunch.

Jackson's estate estimated the singer would have earned at least $100 million if he had performed his "This Is It" concerts planned for London's O2 arena. Murray might have also been found liable for Jackson's funeral expenses, which totaled more than $1.8 million. Murray's attorneys said he had nowhere near the money to pay either amount, and he filed paperwork last month indicating he is indigent.

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ruled that the family was waiving its right to restitution permanently, although two separate cases pending in a Los Angeles civil court seek damages for the King of Pop's June 2009 death. Katherine Jackson is suing concert giant AEG Live, which was promoting Jackson's planned series of comeback concerts, claiming they failed to properly supervise Murray.

Joseph Jackson is suing AEG Live, alleging negligence by the entertainment promoter in his son's death, and he is suing Murray for wrongful death in the case.

Murray's attorney, J. Michael Flanagan, said he was pleased to have the restitution issue resolved. Flanagan said during Wednesday's hearing that he intends to seek bail for Murray while he appeals his conviction, according to the transcript, but he was told to put the request in writing.

The fate of Joseph Jackson's civil case remains unclear. A California bar court in Los Angeles recommended Friday that the Jackson family patriarch's attorney, Brian Oxman, be barred from practicing law because of conduct on other, unrelated cases. Oxman filed Joseph Jackson's lawsuit in federal court on the one-year anniversary of the singer's death, but a judge later ruled it should be heard in state court. Oxman is the only attorney who has been listed on the case so far and has been a vocal antagonist against Murray and AEG Live.

Reached by phone, Oxman declined to comment on the recommendation, which still must be approved by the California Supreme Court.

The disciplinary court found that Oxman and his wife, who is also his law partner, mixed clients' and personal funds in an effort to evade creditors and sanctions imposed against Oxman. He had been disciplined previously, which the court cited among its reasons for seeking the revocation of his law license.


Follow Anthony McCartney at .

Associated Press


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Boehner: Keystone breaks Obama's jobs promise

[unable to retrieve full-text content]WASHINGTON (AP) ? House Speaker John Boehner says President Barack Obama is breaking his promise to create jobs by rejecting a plan to build an oil pipeline from Canada to Texas.


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Candidates disagree over indefinite detention

Republican presidential candidates, from left to right: Texas Gov. Rick Perry; former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum; former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, participate in the South Carolina Republican presidential candidate debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Monday, Jan. 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, Pool)

Republican presidential candidates, from left to right: Texas Gov. Rick Perry; former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum; former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, participate in the South Carolina Republican presidential candidate debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Monday, Jan. 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, Pool)

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (AP) ? The Republican candidates have sharp disagreements over a new policy to detain American citizens suspected of terrorism.

President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act that would allow indefinite detention of such terror suspects. Many civil liberties activists believe the law is unconstitutional.

Front-runner Mitt Romney said he would have signed the law and insisted it was "appropriate" to detain American members of al-Qaida. Romney called membership in the group "treason" and said the U.S. government has the right to impose indefinite detention.

Rick Santorum said a U.S. citizen who is detained as an enemy combatant should have the right to a lawyer and to appeal their case before a federal court.

Ron Paul said holding American citizens indefinitely is a breach of the U.S. judicial system.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Candidates pile on Romney in South Carolina debate (The Ticket)

Republican presidential candidates participate in the South Carolina Republican presidential candidate debate in??

With just five Republican presidential candidates on stage after former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman's departure from the race earlier that day, the candidates at Monday's Fox News debate in Myrtle Beach went hard after frontrunner Mitt Romney questioning his business record, if he supported allowing convicted felons to vote and whether he would ever release his personal tax records.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich got the first shot at Romney tonight and swung for the fences. For the past few weeks, Gingrich has hammered Romney for his record as the head of private equity firm Bain Capital in the 1990s, accusing him of padding his wallet at the expense of middle class jobs. A 28-minute film produced by Winning Our Future, a pro-Gingrich super PAC, featured interviews with workers laid off under Bain's management. On the debate stage, Gingrich accused Romney of running companies with a pattern: leaving them "with enormous debt and then within a year or two or three having them go broke."

You can watch a clip of Romney and Gingrich sparring over super PACs below:

Gingrich, who once defined his debate presence by blasting moderators for trying to pit the candidates against each other, defended the line of attack and explained the reasons why he was now happy to answer questions about other candidates' records. "I raise questions that I think are legitimate questions," he said. "I think that's what part of a campaign is about is to raise questions and see whether or not your competitor can answer them effectively before you get to a general election where you know those questions are going to be asked."

Romney knew it was coming.?"Some of the businesses we invested in weren't successful and lost jobs, and I'm very proud of the fact that we learned from the experience," he said. "We invested in well over 100 businesses, and the people have looked at the places that have added jobs and lost jobs and that record is pretty much available for people to take a close look at. But my record as the governor of Massachusetts and as the person who led the Olympics flowed from the fact that I had experience turning around tough situations."

When asked to weigh in on the discussion about Romney's business practices, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, also a harsh critic of Romney's record at Bain, was asked to name the regulations on venture capital he would support. He declined to answer, instead calling on Romney to release his tax returns--another charge the frontrunner was expecting.

"I think I've heard enough from folks saying, look, let's see your tax records," Romney said. "I have nothing in them that suggests there's any problem and I'm happy to do so. ... If I become our nominee, and what's happened in history is people have released them in about April of the coming year and that's probably what I would do."

"My income taxes have been out every year," Perry said. "Mitt, we need for you to release your income tax so the people of this country can see how you made your money."

"We cannot fire our nominee in September," Perry added. "We need to know now."

You can watch a clip of the candidates debating appropriate tax rates below:

When given the opportunity, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum jumped into the Romney pile-on by calling out a pro-Romney super PAC? for releasing an ad that criticized Santorum for his support of a bill that let convicted felons vote once they had served their time. Santorum hit back, saying he felt that people who served their time should be allowed to vote and pressing Romney on his own position.

You can watch a clip of Santorum going after Romney over felons below:

"This is Martin Luther King Day," Santorum said, interrupting Romney when he tried to defend himself. "This is a huge deal in the African American community, because we have very high rates of incarceration--disproportionally high rates particularly with drug crimes within the African American community."

Romney held firm on his position. "I don't think people who have committed violent crimes should be able to vote again," Romney replied. "That's my view."

But Santorum had set a classic debate trap: while Romney was governor of Massachusetts, the state allowed felons to vote, even while on probation.

"It's very interesting you should say that, Governor Romney," Santorum said. "Because in the state of Massachusetts, when you were governor, the law was not only could violent felons vote after they exhausted their sentences, but they could vote while they were on probation and parole, which was a more liberal position I took when I voted for the bill in the Congress."

One of the most dramatic moments of the debate, however, came when Fox News commentator Juan Williams pressed Gingrich on his plan to replace unionized school janitors in public schools with students, asking Gingrich to comment on the charge that his comments were "insulting to all Americans, particularly to black Americans."

"No," Gingrich said. "I don't see that."

Williams pressed further, charging that Gingrich's comments could be construed as being "intended to belittle the poor and racial minorities."

"So here's my point," Gingrich concluded, his voice rising. "I believe every American of every background has been endowed by their creator with the right to pursue happiness, and if that makes liberals unhappy, I'm going to continue to find ways to help poor people learn how to get a job, learn to get a better job and learn some day to own the job."

You can watch a clip of Gingrich's thoughts on the poor and jobs below:

The debate will set the tone for the next week of campaigning in the Palmetto State, where current polls show Gingrich within 8 percentage points of Romney. Whatever the candidates' complaints about nasty messaging funded by super PACs, there will be no shortage of ads bombarding South Carolina's airways from now until Saturday.

Other popular Yahoo! News stories:

??Jon Huntsman ends presidential campaign, endorses Mitt Romney

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? Rick Perry courts the Palmetto State: 'Without South Carolina, there wouldn't be a Texas'

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Links Post - January 15, 2012


The wonderful quail? and what Sen. Coburn should learn about it and Cocaine and the sexual habits of quail, or, why does NIH fund what it does? Bora and Scicurious tackle the topic of another study that came under fire in Senator Coburn?s Wastebook.

What?s Inside: Enzyte Male Enhancer. It?s mainly just a bunch of stuff that promotes the production of nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator, meaning it causes your blood vessels to expand. Vasodilation in the penis contributes to an erection because dilating the vessels allows more blood to enter, leading to turgidity.

Pregnancy 101: On the cervical mucus plug and why I?ve never been more happy to hold something so disgusting in my hand. A great post on the role that mucus plays in female reproductive physiology.

The internal clitoris. You probably think you know where the clitoris is (I certainly hope you do), but it?s actually in more places than you?d think.

Will I get a yeast infection if I eat too much sugar? In a word, no. At least, not as long as you aren?t putting that sugar in your vagina.

Transfaunation and Fecal Transplants: What Goes Around Comes Around, Literally and Figuratively. I just LOVE a good blog post on fecal transplants. ?We then discussed probiotics and he then told me an amazing story about how the old school farriers used a special method to treat horses if they were sick with some sort of gastrointestinal distress (e.g., colic). They would make the sick horse ?poo tea? by taking feces from healthy horses and making it into a tea of sorts and then they served this to the sick horses.? POO TEA.

Other Science

Don?t drink the water! Why it?s okay but sometimes not okay to drink distilled water.

How a ?designer baby? might just work. Although each of your parents contributes exactly 50% of your genome, the spread between grandparents is much more random due to segregation and recombination (i.e., rarely does each grandparent contribute exactly 25% of your genome). You could, in theory, choose gametes that favor the grandparent with a particular desired phenotype.

Doh! Top Science Journal Retractions of 2011. I remember a good number of these papers, but I did not know that many of them had been retracted.

Every drug is the ?deadliest drug,? especially oxycodone. ?I?ve never heard an addict say, ?my drug is the worst drug.? They know there isn?t such a thing. Such throwaway language stirs fear among those who may be medically prescribed oxycodone and creates a never-ending dark tunnel for those who may already be abusing the stuff.?

Everyday Science: Why Can You Hear Around Corners But Not See? A nice discussion of the difference between light and sound waves.

The Barry White Syndrome: Why are deep voices attractive? I hate having to limit myself to only one Anthropology in Practice post per link round-up because her posts are always so interesting and relevant. Alas.

Other Stuff

The colors of a family. ?I was holding my 1-year-old, ambling about downtown with some friends. White friends. She must have thought my boy belonged to one of them. There?s a simple explanation: I?m black but my son, Ashe, is white. At least he looks it. But things are more complicated than that.?

World?s first pee-controlled video game opens in London bar. Pee left, ski left. Pee right, ski right. This is nice, but I want a version in the women?s restroom too.

13 Myths and Misconceptions about Trans Women. This post is actually in two parts; don?t forget to click the link to the second part at the bottom.

The Arkh Project. This is a fantasy RPG computer game in the early stages of development, made by queer people of color and featuring queer people of color as the main characters (the protagonist is a biracial feminine genderqueer deity named Ain/Aina). There?s concept art and preliminary story lines and game play, but they need visibility, promotion, and donations in order to produce the game. If this is up your alley at all, you should consider tweeting, linking, or donating.

The History of the New Year. ?If circumcision doesn?t say start your calender year, I don?t know what does.?Site Meter


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Monday, January 9, 2012

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Newt: I'd bet $10,000 on LSU (Politico)

If Newt Gingrich had $10,000, he?d bet it all on LSU to win college football?s BCS National Championship on Monday night.

But since he spent his teens living in Columbus, Ga., right across the state line from Alabama, he?ll be rooting for the Crimson Tide over Louisiana State University.

Continue Reading

?How could I not be for Alabama?? he said. ?Bear Bryant is one of my favorite coaches. And Roll Tide just sounds good.?

Gingrich, a football fan who sometimes compares his campaign to the Green Bay Packers under legendary coach Vince Lombardi, took a few minutes to talk about the gridiron with POLITICO.

He walked a careful line on picking a favorite for Monday night?s national championship game. (After all, Alabama votes in the GOP primary a week before Louisiana and has four more delegates at stake.)

?I have to confess, while I think LSU is a very, very good team. I think it will be a much higher scoring game, my personal feelings, if I were betting $10,000 I would bet on LSU but my heart belongs to Alabama,? he said, in a sly reference to Mitt Romney?s offer to bet Rick Perry that amount during a December debate. He says he will try to catch a few minutes of the game on Monday night at a sports bar in Concord with supporters.

Gingrich, like Obama, thinks the country should move over to a playoff system instead of the current Bowl Championship Series system.

?I think the system now raises really big questions when you have teams that are undefeated that end up because of some computer getting scored seventh and they?re totally undefeated and who knows how good they would be if they went to a playoff,? Gingrich said.

True to form, he offered a history lesson about his own playing days.

?I was a really inadequate tackle,? Gingrich said of his high school football career.

When he was a junior, his family moved and he enrolled in Baker High School, a much larger school than the one he attended his first two years of high school.

?The two first-string tackles weighed 220 [pounds] and 250,? he recalled. ?It was just like being out against college kids. And my job was to be the guy they got to practice against. They?re going, ?Great, there?s this guy who reads all these books and now it?s my turn.? ?

He paused for a moment and laughed, ?It was one of the great experiences of my life.?

One of those lessons came in pre-season training.

?Nothing that has been done to me recently resembles August practice in the Chattahoochee Valley and getting wiped out by these two really good tackles,? he said.

Playing high school football taught him something about losing, he said.

Every year, they would open against Valdosta High School and lose miserably.

?And after 48-0 or whatever the score was that night, it was so demoralizing, it was really terrible to lose that sense of enthusiasm,? he said. ?So a great deal of my high school athletic experience prepared me for running for president in ways I would never have dreamed of until I went through it.?


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Friday, January 6, 2012

Men get 14 and 15 years for UK black teen's murder (AP)

LONDON ? A British judge sentenced two men Wednesday to at least 14 years in prison for stabbing a black teenager to death in London almost two decades ago ? a crime that exposed racism within the police and set the victim's family on a long quest for justice.

The murder of 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence in 1993 shocked the country and came to be seen as a festering racial injustice. It took 19 years before anyone was convicted, and three other suspects remain at large.

Judge Colman Treacy called the murder an evil crime motivated by racial hatred. He sentenced Gary Dobson to a minimum of 15 years and 2 months in jail, and David Norris to 14 years and 3 months.

Dobson's father shouted out "shame on you" from the public gallery after the sentence was announced at London's Central Criminal Court. As the judge stood up to leave after delivering his sentence, a few people began to clap.

Norris gave a thumbs up sign to his supporters in the public gallery as he was led from court. Both men maintain they are innocent.

Treacy said the sentences were shorter than many would have expected as both men were teenagers when the crime took place.

Treacy said that an adult today convicted of a racist knife murder would get a minimum of 30 years in jail, but as Dobson was 17 and Norris just 16 at the time of the crime, he only had to give them a minimum of 12 years.

He added extra time because of the racist nature of their attack and because neither had shown any remorse.

Outside court, Lawrence's mother Doreen Lawrence said the killers had received short sentences but "the judge's hands were tied."

She said the sentences were "the beginning of starting a new life because we've been in limbo for so long."

"So today we're going to start moving on, and it's time to take control of my life once more," she said.

While sentencing Dobson and Norris, Treacy said the two belonged to a "racist, thuggish gang."

He said the evidence in the trial could not prove who wielded the knife that killed Lawrence, but he said that whoever used it had done so with Dobson and Norris's "knowledge and approval."

Another three men had been initially arrested after Lawrence's murder but have never been convicted of the crime.

Outside court, Stephen's father Neville Lawrence said he hoped Dobson and Norris would now identify other members of the gang.

He said they should "go and lay down in their bed and think that they weren't the only ones who were responsible for the death of my son."

Doreen and Neville Lawrence divorced six years after their son's murder ? Doreen said she felt "alone and unsupported" in the years following her son's murder.

London police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe said the force would not give up trying to prosecute the other killers.

"The other people involved in the murder of Stephen Lawrence should not rest easy in their beds," he said.

Lawrence was killed in April 1993 by five youths who shouted racial insults and then stabbed him in the arm and chest as he waited at a bus stop with a friend.

Police arrested five young men including Norris and Dobson and charged two with murder. But the state abandoned the case, saying there was insufficient evidence.

Lawrence's family won permission in 1994 to mount a private prosecution, and the same five men were named as defendants. But two were released before the trial, and the case collapsed in April 1996 when a judge ruled that testimony identifying the remaining defendants was inadmissible.

The inquiry headed by former judge William MacPherson issued a report in 1999, accusing London's police force of "professional incompetence and institutional racism."

It detailed a litany of flaws in the police response to the crime, concluding that bungling and racist attitudes ? including condescending treatment of Lawrence's family and failure to quickly take statements from black witnesses ? had hobbled the investigation.

Afterwards the government passed a law requiring the police and other public bodies to work against racism and promote equality.

It also prompted the scrapping of the ancient "double jeopardy" rule, which said a defendant acquitted of a crime could not be tried again for the same offense.

The police looked again at the case, and scientists using techniques not available in 1993 found new DNA evidence, including a tiny speck of Lawrence's blood on Dobson's jacket.

The jury was not told during the trial that Dobson is already in jail for a drugs conviction.

Norris has been in and out of prison for other convictions. In 2002, he was jailed after shouting a racist insult at a police officer and was later jailed again for stealing a car


Associated Press writer Jill Lawless contributed to this report.


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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Video: Romney shows consistency in polls

NBC?s Chuck Todd joins Brian Williams with his analysis of the GOP field ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

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Santorum declares 'game on' after Iowa surge (AP)

URBANDALE, Iowa ? Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum declared that his strong Iowa showing means it's "game on" for the party's presidential nomination, and he's heading to New Hampshire for round two.

"Thank you so much, Iowa, for standing up and not compromising, by standing up and being bold," Santorum told cheering backers heartened by his virtual photo-finish with rival Mitt Romney. "You have taken the first step toward taking back this country."

Supporters joined Santorum for a noisy victory celebration after tabulation of Tuesday night's caucuses went into the early hours of Wednesday without a winner.

The Associated Press did not declare a winner, but Iowa Republican chairman Matt Strawn announced early Wednesday that Romney ended up with 30,015 votes to 30,007 for Santorum. Santorum's camp was taking the showing as the moral equivalent of a win, because their support grew so fast in the last couple of weeks.

"This is a Cinderella story," said Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, the only statewide elected official to endorse Santorum. "Two weeks ago we were in last place."

Santorum's surge was built on a traditional Iowa caucus campaign: showing up often, meeting as many activists as possible, and paying attention to the state where precinct caucuses launch the presidential nominating season.

"This has been an incredible journey ? all 99 counties, 381 town hall meetings, 36 Pizza Ranches," Santorum said.

The former senator from Pennsylvania based his showing on strong backing from the evangelicals and social conservatives who play an important role in the state's Republican politics. His victory speech reflected that sentiment.

"God has given us this great country to allow his people to be free," he said. "I offer a public thanks to God."

Santorum moved almost immediately to take advantage of his strong finish, firing out a fundraising appeal to deal with his most pressing problem, a lack of money.

"It's now or never for conservative voters," his appeal said. "I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP."

The crowd jamming his victory celebration waited patiently for the votes to be counted, occasionally singing songs like "Amazing Grace" and chanting "We pick Rick."

Santorum talked of his grandfather, who he said worked in the Pennsylvania coal mines to bring the rest of the family to America.

"My dad taught me to work hard," he said. "There are so many men and women who would love to work, but they don't have the opportunity."

Santorum vowed to offer something different than other Republicans by focusing on bolstering the nation's industrial base.

"There is another vision that some Republicans offer which is just let's cut taxes, let's just reduce spending and everything will be fine," he said.

Santorum called for a focus on industrial jobs.

"We found those jobs leaving Iowa," he said. "It's because the government made worker uncompetitive by driving up the cost of doing business."

Closing his campaign by appealing to young people, he expanded on the theme of smaller government.

"It will crush your pocketbook in the future," he said. "Hold the candidates accountable to the intractable problem of exploding government."

Bob Vander Plaats, who heads the conservative Family Leader and endorsed Santorum, said the result have a clear impact.

"It means we have a true pro-family conservative to go one on one with Mitt Romney," he said.


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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Value Investing | Personal Financial Planning Concepts

The Value Investing ImageWith roots that date back to the 1930s, value investing is a price-driven discipline that seeks companies whose shares are selling at a discount to their true, or intrinsic, value.

While growth-oriented investors focus on firms whose earnings are growing at a rapid pace, a quality that makes them highly sought after, value investors seek companies that are temporarily out of favor. Their shares may be depressed due to factors ranging from company-specific issues to shifting investor sentiment, poor economic conditions, cyclical trends or an overall market decline. Sometimes they?re being ignored by the market for no good reason.

Over the past 25 years, three factors have amply made the case for the value style of investing: performance, diversification and risk control.

* Performance: First and foremost, value investing as a strategy has done well over time, rewarding investors with strong risk-adjusted performance. That has certainly been true over the past quarter-century.

Additionally, it is important to note that dividends have and continue to be a significant component of the stock market?s total returns ? and particularly those of value stocks. In fact, according to Ibbotson Associates, a leading authority on asset allocation, dividends contributed, on average, 44 percent of the stock market?s total return from 1926 through 2003.

Diversification: Over time, value and growth stocks have tended to move in different cycles. When growth stocks are in favor, they tend to outperform value shares, and vice versa. That knowledge encourages many investors to construct portfolios employing both value and growth strategies, helping to ensure that they have equity investment with the potential to perform in changing market environments.

More to the point, the value strategy has more than held its own against its growth counterpart. Value?s outperformance has been particularly pronounced in recent years. From March 2000 through December 2004, value stocks, as measured by the Russell 1000 Value index, topped their growth counterparts as measured by the Russell 1000 Growth index by nearly 17.5 percentage points annualized.

* Risk control: By their nature, value stocks generally tend to be less volatile than their growth counterparts. In addition, because their shares are typically selling at depressed prices, value firms are better positioned to withstand market declines. Meanwhile, shares of growth companies normally have higher earnings expectations built into their prices and thus are subject to wider price swings as those expectations change.

American Century introduced its first value portfolio in 1993, complementing its long-standing efforts in the growth field by offering equity investors a lower-risk investment style. More than 11 years later, American Century?s stable of value offerings has grown to six funds, totaling more than $14 billion in assets.


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New Earth-like planets: How did astronomers find them?

NASA's Kepler?spacecraft?has spotted a pair of rocky Earth-sized planets orbiting a distant star. How do you find a new planet??

Since 2009, NASA's Kepler spacecraft has been sitting in space, pointing its telescope at a patch of the sky near the constellations Cygnus and Lyrae. Its field of view, a region of the Milky Way galaxy about the size of two open hands raised to the cosmos, contains roughly 160,000 stars. Scientists on the Kepler team are interested not in these stars themselves, but in the planets that may orbit them.

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"The goal of the Kepler mission is to find planets like Earth in the habitable zones of their parent stars," said Guillermo Torres, a member of the Kepler team based at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. They are looking for?Earth twins, because these are the likeliest candidates for worlds that could host extraterrestrial life.

To find these alien Earths, the Kepler team uses a technique called the "transit method." They scour the data collected by the Kepler telescope looking for slight drops in the intensity of light coming from any of the stars in its line of sight. About 90 percent of the time, these dips in brightness signify that a planet "has passed in front of its star, essentially?eclipsing the light," Torres told Life's Little Mysteries.

Planets the size of Earth passing in front of a star typically cause it to dim by only one-hundredth of a percent ? akin to the drop in brightness of a car's headlight when a fly crosses in front of it, the scientists say. To detect these faint and faraway eclipses, the Kepler telescope must be extremely sensitive and it must be stationed in space, away from the glare and turbulence of Earth's atmosphere.

Using the transit method, Kepler has detected 2,326 "candidate planets" so far, Torres said. Those are dips detected in starlight that are probably caused by passing planets, but for which other alternative explanations haven't yet been ruled out.? [Could There Be Life on the New Earth-Size Planets?]

"The signals are an indication that something is crossing in front of the star and then you have to confirm it's a planet, not something else," he said. "Roughly 90 percent of the signals that Kepler detects are true planets. The other 10 percent of the cases are false positives. We're not happy with leaving the probability at 90 percent ? we've set a higher bar ? so, even though a priori we know a signal is 90-percent sure [to be a planet], we do more work."

To confirm that a candidate is a true?exoplanet?? a planet outside our solar system ? the Kepler scientists use the world's largest ground-based telescopes to study the star in question, looking for alternative explanations for the transit signal. "One example is an eclipsing binary in the background of the star. There could be two stars behind the star [of interest] that are orbiting each other and eclipsing each other, but because they're in the background they're much fainter. So their light is diluted by the brighter star," he said.

With today's (Dec. 20) announcement of?five new confirmed exoplanets?orbiting a star called Kepler-20 located 950 light-years away, including two that are Earth-size, the number of confirmed exoplanets has moved up to 33.

Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover.?Follow Life's Little Mysteries on Twitter @llmysteries, then join us on?Facebook.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Total Media Converter Hits New Year's Eve 2012 Bash for Apple Followers

[] Based in New York - SeaSky Software announces New Year 2012 carnival celebrations are on the stage. Dazzled sales information appears on every corner of The Fifth Avenue and the 57th Street. Various celebrations show up on Time Square and The Theatre District. Definitely, it's time for celebration. People might join different celebrations according to their plans and life styles. For Apple followers, the most exciting stuff would be any new products released by Apple. Sorry, seems it's not working now from Apple. But there is truly big news for Apple fans that SeaSky releases the New Year's Eve deal-Total Media Converter for Apple Mac users with up to 60% off.

For Apple Mac users, a powerful and professional converter program is on the top of the must-have list. As Apple Mac OS is a close type operating system, many video and audio files cannot be read or rewrite on Mac OS devices. That's why converter applications are so important for Mac OS users. SeaSky, one of the most popular software companies, understands these specific needs and have been working hard to create the most sophisticated converter application-Total Media Converter. Now, in order to thank Mac OS users' valuable advices and feedback and help more Apple followers get better experience on Mac, SeaSky released the Total Media Converter 2012 New Year's Eve deal with up to 60% off.

Total Media Converter is an ultimate converter application on Mac OS. This converter programs provides all-in-one solutions for all convert needs on Mac OS, and it can convert any video and audio files to other compatible and working files. Technically speaking, Total Media Converter is a DVD converter, video converter and audio converter! It combines three convert technologies into one product and offers the most reliable and sophisticated convert capabilities. Plus many special customized functions and features are also available on Total Media Converter such as extract audio from DVD files and video files and convert to other working audio formats. That's why Total Media Converter is so powerful and popular! That's why Total Media Converter is one of the most valuable 2012 New Year's Eve deals.

With Total Media Converter, Mac OS user can easily convert any DVD files and video files to Mac OS friendly files including MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, MPEG4, WMV, and etc, and playback on iMac, iPad and iPhone, or share on iTunes with families and friends. It's also a good idea to use Total Media Converter to convert any audio files to iOS friendly music files and enjoy on iPod anytime and anywhere. So, for Apply followers, it's a good time to get the Total Media Converter and have a much better experience on Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod. Celebrate 2012 New Year in a new way!

System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.6 or later
* 18.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Initially, Apple Mac users can get the powerful Total Media Converter on SeaSky Software's official site for $39.99, but now it's directly available in Mac App Store for only $15.99! That's totally 60% off for such a powerful and professional converter application, and it's undoubtedly one of the most incredible New Year deal ever for Apple Mac OS software. The following words would show a little bit more why The Total Media Converter is an amazing 2012 New Year deal.

Based in New York, SeaSky Software ranks as one of the most popular software companies specializing in developing amazing applications on Mac OS & iOS. SeaSky Software Co., Ltd, Established 2009, is dedicated to create practical software with sophisticated functions and particular features for Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod and other Apple devices around the world. Copyright (C) 2011 SeaSky Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac OS X platforms are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.



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China says its most wanted man admits crimes (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? China's most wanted man, who was deported from Canada in July after a decades-long legal battle, has admitted to his crimes and will now be handed over to prosecutors, state media reported Friday.

Beijing had sought the deportation of Lai Changxing for years, accusing him of running a multi-billion dollar smuggling ring in the southeastern city of Xiamen in the 1990s in one of China's biggest political scandals in decades.

Nothing has been heard of him since he was returned to China over the summer.

A brief report on state radio's website ( said the probe into his crimes had finished and that Lai would now be handed over to Xiamen prosecutors.

"Lai Changxing and other mainstay members of his criminal clique candidly confessed the facts of their smuggling and bribery crimes," state radio said.

The "legal rights" of Lai and the other suspects were "fully guaranteed," with Lai able to meet with his lawyer, the report added.

The investigation team carried out the probe "fairly and in accordance with the law," it said.

Lai may face life imprisonment, state media has reported. But some legal experts and human rights activists have said it was unlikely Lai could receive a fair trial in China.

The report did not say when Lai's case may come to trial.

The probe found that between 1996 and 1999, Lai and his accomplices smuggled cars, oil, chemicals, cigarettes and other goods and bribed "dozens" of government officials, state radio added.

"The figure involved was enormous," it said, without providing other details.

Lai, whose case had plagued Sino-Canadian relations, was sent back after a Canadian court dismissed concerns he could be tortured or executed back home.

Lai fled to Canada with his family in 1999 and claimed refugee status, saying the allegations against him were politically motivated.

China had promised Canada Lai would not be tortured or executed and that Canadian officials would have access to him.

Lai's alleged crimes occurred in the special economic zone of Xiamen in Fujian province in the mid-1990s when Jia Qinglin, now the ruling Communist Party's fourth most senior leader, was the province's Party boss.

Beijing has accused Lai's business empire, the Yuanhua Group, of bribing officials to allow a massive smuggling ring in a scandal that implicated more than 200 senior figures, including Jia's wife, Lin Youfang. She denied any wrongdoing.

Lai admitted in a 2009 interview with Toronto's Globe and Mail newspaper that he had avoided taxes by exploiting loopholes in the law, but he denies bribery charges. He said he would have been executed had he not been in Canada.

China put more than 300 suspects on trial and sentenced 14 to death, including provincial officials and a former vice minister of public security, in a case Beijing has used for a propaganda campaign against corruption.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Paul Tait)


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