Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Get Smart: Penn State, UI-Busch, ISU solar race, tough times for college towns

Iowa?s Mason: Big Ten might punish Penn State, too ? DMR

Iowa CCI takes on Rastetter at Ames forum ? Ames Trib

Sides differ on effects of UI-Busch contract ? Press-Citizen

Man files lawsuit against UI, College of Law ? Press-Citizen

UMich Bests ISU, Wins Solar-Car Race ? WSJ

Indiana official tells Congress that state is ?ripe? for higher ed reform ? Statehouse File

U.S. recession?s other victim: public universities ? Reuters

Tough Times for Colleges?and College Towns ? WSJ

Get Smart is a daily digest of higher ed news in Iowa and the nation. I welcome feedback, ideas and tips at jkrogstad@dmreg.com, or just leave a note in the comments section below.

Tags: Get Smart

Source: http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dmr/index.php/2012/07/23/get-smart-penn-state-ui-busch-isu-solar-race-tough-times-for-college-towns/

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Apple, booksellers oppose proposed ebook price-fixing settlement

A proposed settlement of the U.S. Department of Justice?s ebook price-fixing case against three large publishers would damage the U.S. publishing industry and would single out Apple for restrictions on ebook pricing, lawyers for the tech firm wrote in comments to the agency.

The proposed settlement?between the DOJ and three of five publishers the agency charged in April with price fixing?is ?a threat to ebook competition,? lawyers for Apple wrote in comments to the DOJ. ?In a misguided attempt to reshape the market according to its own preferences, the government seeks to impose a business model that will result in dramatic and long-lasting harm.?

Apple, also a defendant in the case, has declined to settle the case and is scheduled for trial in June 2013. Apple, Barnes and Noble and the American Booksellers Association were among the organizations filing comments opposed to the proposed settlement between the DOJ and publishers Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers and Simon and Schuster.

The settlement, if approved in court, would require the publishers to allow retailers to set their own prices for ebooks. The settlements would also prohibit the publishers from discussing pricing with competitors for five years and prohibit them from constraining retailer efforts to offer discounts for two years.

About 800 of the 868 comments the DOJ received were opposed to the settlement, the agency said. Many people and groups opposed to the settlement said it would allow Amazon.com to lower prices and create an ebook-selling monopoly.

?The role of Amazon as protagonist in all of this is troubling,? Apple?s lawyers wrote. ?Amazon is by any measure or standard the industry monopolist, a dominant presence in the ebook and physical book marketplace. It routinely uses its leverage across both markets to impose its will on authors and publishers. That is undeniable.?

Before a new ebook selling model involving Apple and book publishers, independent book sellers were getting underpriced by Amazon.com, added lawyers from the American Booksellers Association. Before the new pricing model, ?indie bookstores were concerned that Amazon had a 90 percent share of the growing ebook market, and that this one retailer was selling ebooks at a price far lower than indie stores could even purchase these ebooks for resale,? the association?s lawyers wrote.

The DOJ, in documents released Monday, defended the antitrust lawsuit and proposed settlement in a response to the comments it received. In April 2010, when Apple released its iPad, ?virtually overnight the retail prices of many bestselling and newly released ebooks published in this country jumped 30 to 50 percent?affecting millions of consumers,? the agency?s lawyers wrote.

Many of the critics of the settlement are acting for their own self-interests, the DOJ said.

?Many critics of the settlements view the consequences of the conspiracy?higher prices?as serving their own self-interests, and they prefer that unfettered competition be replaced by industry collusion that places the welfare of certain firms over that of the public,? the DOJ?s lawyers wrote. ?That position is wholly at odds with the purposes of the federal antitrust laws?which were enacted to protect competition, not competitors.?

Apple complained that the settlement would require it to renegotiate ebook prices with the settling publishers in a seven-day period. ?This artificially compressed time frame is not a foundation for a productive, long-term relationship,? Apple?s lawyers wrote. ?There is a risk that the settling defendants will refuse to negotiate commercially reasonable terms and simply pull their titles from the iBookstore. That would be flatly against the public interest.?

Apple called the settlement an ?experiment in government intervention.?

The Consumer Federation argued in favor of the proposed settlement, saying the so-called agency pricing model employed by Apple and the publishers unnaturally props up the declining specialty bookstore industry. The Authors Guild has argued that specialty bookstores allow customers to browse shelves in a way that?s superior to browsing for books online, the consumer group noted.

The only way to save an old model of selling books in specialty bookstores is ?by ending price competition and allowing collusion to set prices,? the group?s lawyers wrote. ?Unfortunately for the bookstores, the readers who need the functions of the specialty bookstores don?t value them enough to pay for the services they provide. Since the specialty bookstores cannot compete on price or service, cartel agency pricing is the only solution, a solution in which consumers are forced to pay a higher price, but get services that they are unwilling to pay for.?

[Grant Gross covers technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service. Follow Grant on Twitter at GrantGross. Grant?s email address is grant_gross@idg.com.]

Source: http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=237115f0b13c67b0bb6b5125862368c2

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Military Pen Pals Online Dating For Military Personnel ...

It?s a fact, a military career is a more complicated than typical civilian life, and service in the armed forces can get in the way of building and maintaining friendships and social activities, but that does not mean that a individual serving in the military is required to give up the ideas of dating or being in a fulfilling relationship. Quite the opposite, people working in the military often find themselves isolated and need to be grounded in healthy, romantic and social relationships. Finding and establishing a romance online is a very good way for someone in the military to find friendship and discover love.

So, what?s the solution for servicemen and women who don?t want to sacrifice friendship and romance for their careers? Believe it or not, online dating services focusing on servicemen and women and all those who are interested in dating them provide an ideal solution.

It will come as no surprise that the Internet with all of its dating and social network sites offers a solution when it comes to the needs of military women and men in finding someone to date or correspond with. Websites like Military Pen Pals specialize in military dating and relationships. These websites are the perfect place for servicemen and women, even those who are serving overseas or moving around the country, to find someone special. Unlike eHarmony or Match.com these sites offer free services to men and women in the service.

Online dating for military personnel is a terrific way to start building relationships that matter.

Dating presents a variety of obstacles for military professionals. Servicemen and women are often relocated or deployed on incredibly short notice. In addition, servicemen and women on active duty tend to be mission oriented and under lots of stress. For that reason, military men and women are unable to have the kind of relationship typical 9 to 5?ers have. Military Pen Pals and other web based dating sites designed for servicemen and women can help military personnel find long-term relationships, friendships and even pen pals to exchange letters with while they are busy serving their country.

As a practical matter, military men and women can miss out on having a normal dating and social interaction due to the fact their commitment to the service interferes. Fortunately, modern technology, the Internet, the advent of Internet cafes, and email all come together to provide military personnel with the tools required to find and build relationships, and to keep in touch with their companions at the speed of light whenever the chance arises.

Dating websites aimed at people in the military also deliver relationship advice and resources specifically made to assist people in military relationships. Maintaining long distance relationships and absence for prolonged or indefinite time periods can be hard. The fear of losing a loved one who is on active duty can harm a relationship, too.
With a website for military dating, servicemen and women can develop meaningful relationships and friendships while doing work in the service of their country. They can also find resources made to help them maximize search for intimacy and the best of what a loving relationship offers.

This content was authored by Ema Harper. Ema is an professional writer who publishes material relevant to servicemen and women. Ema is also the founder of Military Pen Pals where women and men can easily seek matches, soul mates and, of course, military pen pals.

Source: http://articlereference.net/relationships/military-pen-pals-online-dating-for-military-personnel.html

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Android, Apple phones nearly 80 percent of global market

14 hrs.

Android and Apple devices dominate in smartphones, with nearly 80 percent of the worldwide market combined in the first quarter of this year, according to research firm?Gartner. Nokia and Research In Motion were the big losers, their shares dropping sharply from a year earlier.?

Companies making Android devices include Samsung, HTC and Motorola Mobility, which Google now owns. Samsung also makes phones using its Bada system.

Here are the worldwide smartphone unit sales and market share in the first quarter of 2012, by operating system, according to Gartner:

Android (Google):?81.1 million units, 56.1 percent share (36.4 percent a year earlier)?

iOS (Apple's iPhone):?33.1 million units, 22.9 percent share (16.9 percent a year earlier)

Symbian (mostly used by Nokia):?12.5 million units, 8.6 percent share (27.7 percent a year earlier)?

BlackBerry (Research In Motion):?9.9 million units, 6.9 percent share (13 percent a year earlier)

Bada (Samsung):?3.8 million units, 2.7 percent share (1.9 percent a year earlier)?

Windows (Microsoft):? 2.7 million units, 1.9 percent share (2.6 percent a year earlier)

Other:?1.2 million units, 0.9 percent share (1.5 percent a year earlier)

Source: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/android-apple-phones-nearly-80-percent-worldwide-market-gartner-896556

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

To die at home ? Opinion ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine

When we learned of a new statewide policy allowing EMTs to leave dead people in their homes it sounded callous, like a dump-and-run scheme designed to benefit ambulance companies.

But after some research and talking to state officials, we understand it as a justifiable response to changing times and technology. But it may take some time for that understanding to spread.

Some older readers may remember when funeral directors were the ambulance drivers for many rural areas. Some funeral hearses were even built to serve double duty with interiors that could be switched out depending upon the type of run.

In urban areas, firefighters trained in first aid were responsible for moving people from an emergency or illness at home to the hospital.

The premium then was placed on packing up a sick or injured person and rushing them ? with lights flashing and sirens wailing ? to the closest hospital.

As a result, many of us still have the expectation that when an ambulance arrives, the first priority should be loading up and moving out as quickly as possible.

Over the decades we learned how the first 10 or 20 minutes in a medical emergency can be the most critical.

We have responded by greatly expanding the training to the EMT level and vastly increasing the technology carried by crews to quickly assess and stabilize a sick or injured person.

EMTs now spend more time in the home working to save a life rather than rushing patients away to care that might be too late in coming.

But a recent change in practice has raised some eyebrows in Maine.

In December, Maine updated its EMS Prehospital Treatment Protocols giving EMTs and paramedics the authority to stop resuscitation efforts after 20 fruitless minutes.

Before, first responders would contact a medical control, such as an ER doctor, to make that call.

When patients are treated on the scene, more of them are going to die on the scene rather than in the back of a speeding ambulance.

And that has been an adjustment for families and ambulance crews.

Now, many families will learn in their own living room that their loved one has died ? and an EMT will likely tell them.

After that, the rescue crew may pack up and leave while the family waits for a funeral home vehicle to arrive. And that may create, well, an awkward moment.

Yet family members have been dying at home since the beginning of time.

When you think about it, the last wish of many older people is to die at home rather than in a hospital.

Those who have attended a family death can probably attest that it is painful and vivid, but also a loving moment when everyone realizes a circle has been closed.

The new policy may allow for more of those quiet moments.

Sun Journal, Lewiston (July 15)

Source: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/07/17/opinion/to-die-at-home/

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Show confuses drag queen with Houston

By Randee Dawn

Have the memories faded so quickly? Musician L.L. Cool J.?joined Piers Morgan's CNN show, "Piers Morgan Tonight," on Friday to remember late singer Whitney Houston, who died Feb. 11.

But the video that aired during the tribute?wasn't of Houston: It was of a male German celebrity impersonator named Ikenna Beney Amaechi, according to TMZ. Here are?his website?and YouTube channel.

Ikenna Beney Amaechi as Whitney Houston.

The website spoke with Amaechi, a native German with Nigerian heritage, who said he'd been playing Houston for over 20 years, and was "very honored" that he could be mistaken for the real deal.

"Is there even a bigger compliment for a tribute artist?" he asked.?

"Oops," tweeted Morgan?after TMZ posted the story. "OK, it's a fair cop. You got me!"

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Source: http://todayentertainment.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/16/12767730-piers-morgan-show-mistakes-drag-queen-for-whitney-houston?lite

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Single Male Dad: Gay Dad: Gay Parenting: Fatherhood by Choice

by Leigh Ann Woodruff, July 12, 2012

In the not-too-distant past, for gay men or single straight men who just hadn't found the right partner, the idea of being a parent was often a dream they had to give up. That's just no longer true with the advances science has made and the growing awareness among the population about the ways that advanced reproductive technology can help men build families.

In "The Gift of Being Gay and a Dad," a blog in the New York Times, Marcus Mabry, a gay male in his mid-40s, writes:

    It was the thing that broke my heart: the feeling that by coming out, I was giving up the one thing I had always wanted since I was a kid ? more than any profession or any pursuit ? being a dad ...

    Then came the revolution. Scientific advances outraced laws (and conservatives? imaginations), and surrogacy provided a route to parenthood that was unthinkable when my generation of gay men was picturing our futures.

More Men Using Surrogacy and Egg Donation

With in vitro fertilization, the ability to take a donor egg, fertilize it with the man's sperm and transfer it into a gestational surrogate with the hopes for implantation and pregnancy opened up a whole new world for men to have their own biological children without needing a sexual relationship with a female partner. According to The Williams Institute, a national think tank on sexual orientation, gender identity law and public policy at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Law, there were more than 1 million never-married gay and straight men raising children in 2010.

"In the last 15 years, I've done over 2,000 surrogate cycles, and over 1,500 egg donor cycles," says David B. Smotrich, M.D., FACOG, founder and medical director of LaJolla IVF in California, began helping gay male couples with gestational surrogacy and egg donation around 14 years ago. "Today I would say that about 25 to 30 percent of the couples that use surrogacy in my practice are gay males."

The Fertility SOURCE Companies, one of the largest egg donor and surrogacy agencies in the United States has also seen increased interest from men. "On the egg donation side, I would say we have seen an increase in same sex men couples, regardless if they are single or married," says Donna Raidy, Director of Case Management for The Donor SOURCE egg donation program. The same has held true for The Surrogacy SOURCE surrogacy program.

And now, single straight men also appear to be taking notice of the reproductive options available to them. ?Twenty years ago it was most common for me to help traditional married couples who needed help having children,? says Michael Doyle, M.D., founder of CT Fertility. ?Then over the years I began seeing more and more single women who chose parenthood through sperm donation, rather then hope and wait for Mr. Right. Now in the past ten years I am seeing more and more single men ? and increasingly more of them are straight ? who are following that same course.?

Different Considerations

While the mechanics of egg donation and surrogacy are the same for male/female couples and male/male couples or single males, there are often differences in the choices made. "Heterosexual couples frequently use egg donors that are anonymous," Dr. Smotrich says. "The gay couples generally like to meet the egg donors and have a relationship with them. I think that they want to make sure that they feel 100 percent comfortable with the women they are working with and choosing to help them on their journey to becoming a family.

According to Dr. Doyle, gay male couples often want twins ? with embryos created from donor eggs and both of their sperm ? so that they will have children biologically related to both of them. "Often they want twins, or if they don't get twins, they want to have enough embrhyos from each dad, so even if they get a single pregnancy the first time, they can go back into the frozen embryos of the seond dad," he explains.

Single men, however, may be more conservative. ?Some single dads approach their treatments more conservatively than couples,? says Dr. Doyle, ?and often the desire to avoid a twin pregnancy may lead them to choose single embryo transfer, which can sometimess prolong the process.?

Mike Tafet from New York ? a single man who turned 40 and decided on surrogacy after hearing about a gay acquaintance who started his family this way ? determined that twins would be too much for him to handle. He also put a lot of thought into the selection of the egg donor and used CT Fertility?s unique ?known donor? option.

?I wasn't looking for a model but someone who was somewhat attractive, and was happy that I was allowed to meet the candidates," Taflet says. "When I met the first one for lunch, it was initially a bit awkward for the both of us, but we ended up having a good conversation and I found her to be a very nice and sweet person which helped me decide to choose her.? Today he has an adorable baby boy.

The Team Approach

Unlike women, who can simply obtain donor sperm from a sperm bank since they have most of the biology to have a baby, men have to take the team approach to building a family.

"The gay male population or the single male population does not have all the hardware that you need," Dr. Smotrich says. "It takes a village or a team of people to help a male male couple get through this. They need an attorney. It takes a psychologist to evaluate the donor and make sure she's appropriate to go forward, it takes a psychologist to evaluate the surrogate and make sure she's appropriate to go forward. Counseling for the male male couple. They need all the medical things done. They have to make sure they have all the insurance and different things. This has to be a very long and drawn out and thoughtful process. This is not something done on a whim."

While the process is not always easy, it is one that is well worth the effort. "Everyone deserves to have a family if they so desire," Raidy says. "It is heartwarming to see single parents and same sex couples see that this opportunity is available to them and their belief that they too can have a family."

For more information on family-building options for men, visit LGBT Family-Building, Surrogacy and Egg Donation.

Source: http://www.fertilityauthority.com/articles/more-single-straight-men-and-gay-men-becoming-fathers-choice

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Friday, July 6, 2012

TatWza: #IFWT (Video) NBA Rumor: Kim Kardashian Allegedly Caught Sexting Lakers Devin Ebanks - http://t.co/IkuBm2d4

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Source: http://twitter.com/TatWza/statuses/220828733563604992

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me-ander: Cancer Blogs: RivkA, Superman Sam, Heather...

We all blog for different reasons.? One thing that has motivated many of us is the need to let off steam.? My Shiloh Musings blog is for that political "steam" aggravation, letting the world know the truth of what's going on here in Israel, especially Shiloh.? I consider it a public service of sorts, my own way to broadcast for the hasbara? pro-Israel information efforts, even when I'm writing about the mundane.? This blog is more for the mundane and personal.

But in terms of combining the personal and the mundane?in a very different mix, there are the "cancer blogs," which are very?important for those involved and to put a real face on those who are fighting for life and for their families.

In the jblogging world the first one of that genre is/was RivkA's Coffee and Chemo in which she chronicled her losing battle with what was first diagnosed as DCIS, stage ZERO breast cancer, at age 39.? Even though you already know the sad ending to her story, it's still worthwhile going to the blog and reading her posts.? Cancer may have had destroyed her body, but it didn't damage her spirit.? I met her in person a few times, and she was a truly amazing young woman.

A few short weeks ago, the popular blogger the Bima Ima sadly blogged to us that her six year old son Sam had just been diagnosed with? acute myeloid leukemia.? She and her husband are now chronicling their fight to bring Sam back to full health on Superman Sam, a very honest blog about their feelings and Sam's health.? If you want, please add Sam to your ????? ????? refuah shleimah, complete recovery list, Shmuel Asher ben haRav Pesah Esther.

Honestly, I don't go looking for these cancer blogs, but recently a writer of one, Heather, contacted me via comments on my blogs.? She didn't say what she wanted from me,? just that she needed to hear from me.? I kept wondering if I had made a mistake by sending an email to a mystery person, terrified that I had set myself up for a computer virus or something like that.? The fact that she wrote her email with the word "dot" rather than "." did make me feel a bit safer, but still...? It ends up that Heather wanted me to either give her a chance to post on my blog or at least that I'd mention it.?

Heather Von St. James, Courageous mother, wife and survivor of mesothelioma cancer.? Read about Heather ?

That's why I'm writing about cancer blogs this morning.? Good health to all and Shabbat Shalom

Source: http://me-ander.blogspot.com/2012/07/cancer-blogs-rivka-superman-sam-heather.html

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Citi Cardholders Get a Shot at Sports Stardom

This summer, Citi cardholders and their kids have a chance to attend a baseball camp with Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz, play tennis with the Bryan Brothers, caddie for golfers Carl Pettersson and Robert Garrigus, or get basketball coaching from the legendary John Calipari, University of Kentucky head basketball coach.

The Private Pass program from Citi is open to all Citi cardholders with a Citi American Express, MasterCard or Visa, and lets customers buy exclusive event tickets available only to Citi card holders. It also gives Citi customers the chance to purchase special VIP access, preferred seating, and presale tickets. Events include concerts, sporting events, and more - like these sports camps for kids and adults.

Major League Opportunities

Girls and boys ages 6-14 can register for the David Ortiz Baseball Clinic in West Roxbury, Massachusetts on August 6th, where they will get baseball instruction from the pros, plus the opportunity to meet David Ortiz of the Red Sox and get an autographed baseball. Tickets are just $125 for Citi card holders, and baseball-loving kids will likely never forget their chance to hit a ball with a major league player.

Says David Ortiz, "I'm excited to partner with Citi Private Pass to create a unique baseball training experience for families in Boston this summer. From practicing, hitting and fielding, I hope it will be an experience they remember as long as they play."

The July camp with Cal Ripken, Jr. is already sold out, but lucky kids whose parents are Citi card members will spend the day pitching with Cal and Bill Ripken at Camden Yards, having a private lunch with them, and attending an Orioles game.

"Our camps allow kids to learn the game at a wonderful facility while having a great time. We really want kids to love the game and keeping it fun is an important part of our teaching philosophy," Ripken Jr. said. "We are confident that the Citi customers who have their kids attend the camps will learn terrific fundamentals, meet new friends and enjoy themselves."

Hooping it Up

For kids who are more interested in basketball hoops than pitchers' mounds, the John Calipari Instructional Basketball ProCamp runs August 1-4 and gives kids ages 7-18 the chance to brush up their basketball skills with the help of the legendary University of Kentucky coach.

Coach Calipari said, "I'm thrilled to share the excitement and passion I have for basketball with fans. For Citi customers that share my love for the game and have always wanted to experience basketball at a high-level, this camp is a unique weekend of championship-level fun here in Kentucky."

There are only 25 spots in each of two camps, and those lucky enough to score a ticket will get a camp T-shirt, an autographed photo of Coach Calipari, and the chance to compete in contests and win prizes. The camps will feature players Anthony Davis, Doron Lamb, Darius Miller, Terrence Jones, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Maquis Teague, and Eloy Vargas.

Tickets are $199 and space is limited.

Coming Soon

Also this summer, more great Citi Private Pass sporting events include World Team Tennis with identical tennis twins Bob and Mike Bryan and "Caddie for a Pro" - in which a lucky golf fan gets to be a caddie for a pro golfer ($250 a ticket). That VIP caddie experience is a little pricier than the camps for kids, though ?- tickets run about $7,000 for that one.

Whichever sporting event is your passion, having a Citi card can give you up-close access to your idols. "Whether our customers want their kids to get coached by champs or to play alongside the pros, we're giving them more ways to enjoy the game,"says Ralph Andretta, Head of Co-Brands and Loyalty at Citi Cards. "Citi Private Pass delivers exclusive experiences and access to the heroes of sports."

Bryant Park

Bryant Park is a financial consultant for one of the companies listed on Wall Street. He writes on a variety of topics ranging from credit cards to different loans that can be availed by consumers. He holds a bachelor degree in Financial Services from Dartmouth College.

Source: http://www.credit-land.com/news/citi-cardholders-get-a-shot-at-sports-stardom-1458.php

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mexico's next president faces uphill fight

Enrique Pena Nieto, candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and apparent winner of Mexico's presidential election, gestures while speaking with foreign correspondents in Mexico City, Monday, July 2, 2012. The party that ruled Mexico with a tight grip for most of the last century has sailed back into power, promising a government that will be modern, responsible and open to criticism. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Enrique Pena Nieto, candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and apparent winner of Mexico's presidential election, gestures while speaking with foreign correspondents in Mexico City, Monday, July 2, 2012. The party that ruled Mexico with a tight grip for most of the last century has sailed back into power, promising a government that will be modern, responsible and open to criticism. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), leaves a hotel after a press conference in Mexico City, Monday, July 2, 2012. After official results showed Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) winning 38 per cent of the vote with more than 92 per cent of the votes counted, Lopez Obrador has not conceded Sunday?s elections, telling his supporters Monday evening that, ?We can?t accept a fraudulent result,? a reference to his allegations that Pena Nieto exceeded campaign spending limits, bought votes in some states and benefited from favorable coverage in Mexico?s semi-monopolized television industry.(AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)

Supporters of Enrique Pena Nieto, presidential candidate for the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) celebrate at party headquarters as exit polls begin to come in for general elections in Mexico City, Mexico, Sunday, July 1, 2012. Pena Nieto is leading Mexico's elections with about 40 percent of the vote, exit polls showed Sunday, signaling a return of his long-ruling party to power after a 12-year hiatus. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)

Supporters of Enrique Pena Nieto, presidential candidate for the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) gather at party headquarters as exit polls begin to come in for general elections in Mexico City, Mexico, Sunday, July 1, 2012. Pena Nieto is leading Mexico's elections with about 40 percent of the vote, exit polls showed Sunday, signaling a return of his long-ruling party to power after a 12-year hiatus. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)

Surrounded by unidentified members of his coalition, Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), second from left, speaks during a press conference at a hotel in Mexico City, Monday, July 2, 2012. After official results showed Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) winning 38 per cent of the vote with more than 92 per cent of the votes counted, Lopez Obrador has not conceded Sunday?s elections, telling his supporters Monday evening that, ?We can?t accept a fraudulent result,? a reference to his allegations that Pena Nieto exceeded campaign spending limits, bought votes in some states and benefited from favorable coverage in Mexico?s semi-monopolized television industry.(AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)

MEXICO CITY (AP) ? The apparent victor of Mexico's presidential race, Enrique Pena Nieto, struggled Monday with the sticky bonds of his party's notorious past, the limitation of his election mandate and an opponent who refused to concede defeat.

His long-ruling and now-returned Institutional Revolutionary Party, the PRI, won only about 38 percent of the vote and is unlikely to get a majority in Congress. In fact, it may lose seats.

He faces an old guard in the PRI that still exercises considerable power, a war with fierce drug cartels and a still sluggish economy. His closest rival, leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who polled a higher-than-expected vote of about 32 percent, refused to accept the loss, and many of his militant followers were suspicious of the results.

President Barack Obama called Pena Nieto on Monday to congratulate him. The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City said Obama told him the United States "looks forward to advancing common goals, including promoting democracy, economic prosperity, and security in the region and around the globe, in the coming years."

Pena Nieto's account of the talk suggested his party has left behind the touchy nationalism of the past. He expressed interest in cooperation in security, commerce and infrastructure, but didn't bring up the traditional Mexican issue of U.S. immigration reform to help the 12 million Mexicans who live in the United States.

Pena Nieto said he wanted "a relationship that will allow the productive integration of North America."

In Sunday's elections, Mexicans voted above all for a known quantity, the camera-friendly candidate of the party that ruled Mexico without interruption from 1929 to 2000.

But the PRI returns to power in unknown political terrain, where Mexico is more divided, more violent and less tightly controlled, raising the potential for political disputes on top of the drug war. The battle against drug cartels has already cost more than 47,500 lives and may have contributed to the decline of President Felipe Calderon's conservative National Action Party, whose candidate dropped to third place with about 25 percent of the preliminary vote count.

Pena Nieto pledged to continue that anti-drug offensive, but "with a new strategy to reduce violence and protect, above all, the lives of Mexicans."

He promised there would be "no pact or truce" with drug cartels, but clearly some supporters expected the PRI to establish some sort of modus vivendi with the gangs, something party leaders were accused of doing in the past.

"He'll stabilize the cartels. He'll negotiate so they don't hurt innocents," Martha Trejo, 37, a PRI supporter from the Gulf coast city of Tampico, said at Sunday's victory rally.

Pena Nieto said Monday he will favor "well-aimed, precision strikes" on the cartels, and more cooperation with U.S. authorities, something that Calderon has already developed far beyond his predecessors.

The biggest immediate task facing Pena Nieto is to convince the 62 percent of voters who didn't vote for him that he is not planning a return to the corrupt, authoritarian and free-spending ways of the PRI of the past. Even some of Pena Nieto's supporters, such as school teacher Maria Santillan, 51, expressed hope he would surround himself "with new faces, people who aren't so corrupted."

All the potential conflicts were apparent at the victory rally just after midnight at the PRI's cavernous compound in Mexico City, where Pena Nieto was surrounded by graying holdovers from the PRI's glory days and a raucous crowd of supporters expecting jobs, hand-out programs and a quick reduction in drug violence.

"There is no return to the past," Pena Nieto said.

"I am going to be a democratic president, who understands the changes the country has undergone in recent decades," he said in an apparent reference to reforms that created a more-level political playing field with energized civic organizations putting pressure on governments.

Pena Nieto promised a government "of national unity," but hasn't yet named any Cabinet choices.

He also suggested he would seek further internal reforms of his party, which for most of its history followed presidential dictates unquestioningly and rigged votes if it could not win elections that were already tilted sharply in its favor. The party liberalized in its final two decades, but it remained steadfast in protecting its leaders and stonewalling on probes of corruption.

Calderon was quick to recognize the PRI victory, and his party may serve as an ally in Congress in voting through some measures, such as Pena Nieto's call to open the state-owned oil sector to private investment. Pena Nieto told reporters Monday he would start working immediately on tax, energy and labor reforms, and would "sit down with the president (Calderon) ... to talk about what can be put forward before I take office" on Dec. 1.

But those very proposals, especially on the oil industry, have drawn the leftist Democratic Revolution Party, the PRD, into the streets for angry protests in the past.

Lopez Obrador, the PRD's candidate, refused to concede the election.

"We can't accept a fraudulent result," he told supporters Monday evening, a reference to his allegations that Pena Nieto exceeded campaign spending limits, bought votes in some states and benefited from favorable coverage in Mexico's semi-monopolized television industry.

Lopez Obrador said he will likely challenge Sunday's vote results, but didn't say if he would try to repeat nearly two months of street blockades in Mexico City that he led in 2006 to protest a narrow loss to Calderon that he attributed to fraud.

Lopez Obrador's party actually did better in this election than polls had projected, winning apparent victories in three of the seven state elections Sunday. The PRD was on track to win an overwhelming victory in Mexico City, the nation's capital and largest city, as well as taking the governorships of Morelos state to the south and the Gulf coast state of Tabasco, both of which were held by other parties. The PRI appeared to have taken the governorship of the western state of Jalisco from the National Action Party.

Despite winning the presidency, the PRI may actually lose seats in Congress. The PRI-led coalition with the Green Party had about 38 percent of the congressional vote, with 95 percent of ballots counted Monday. The coalition won about 46 percent in the last legislative vote three years ago.

Many Mexicans questioned why most pre-election polls underestimated support for Lopez Obrador by five or six percentage points, well outside those polls' margin of error. Lopez Obrador had claimed the polls were being manipulated, an accusation that accompanied frequent complaints that Pena Nieto was running a far more expensive campaign than his rivals.

Jorge Buendia of the polling firm Buendia and Laredo said some people who said they would vote for Pena Nieto appeared to have changed their minds. There was also a surge in support for Lopez Obrador in the final days that couldn't be fully measured because Mexico's electoral law effectively prohibits polling in the last week before elections.

The PRI's victory appeared to be, above all, a triumph of pragmatism and power-broker politics. Few of those at Pena Nieto's victory rally Sunday expressed the high-flown rhetoric about democratic transition and reform that were popular when National Action won the 2000 and 2006 elections. For its decades in power, the PRI excelled at handing out patronage jobs as well as work and business permits in exchange for votes.

Jaime Bernal, 48, who works as an aide to a PRI congressman, said at the rally that the secret to the party's comeback was recognizing "the important thing for people is that they have something to eat, a job to support themselves."

But he also praised Pena Nieto's ease at working crowds, shaking hands and hugging people, a talent the party had lost during two decades of PRI presidents known as market-oriented "technocrats."


Associated Press writer Olga R. Rodriguez contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-02-Mexico-Elections/id-048455f1c1284556869fe0a7bf0c99cd

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Photo: MTV News

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High-tech hunt for Earhart's plane?to begin

Components of Amelia Earhart's plane might have floated for weeks in the waters of an uninhabited island in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, according to new analysis of a photograph taken three months after the disappearance of the glamorous aviator on July 2, 1937, during a record attempt to fly around the world at the equator.

Shot by British Colonial Service officer Eric R. Bevington in October 1937, during an expedition to assess the suitability for future settlement and colonization of Nikumaroro, a deserted island between Hawaii and Australia, the grainy photo has prompted a new expedition to find pieces of Earhart's long-lost Lockheed Electra aircraft.

"We will depart Honolulu on July 3rd aboard the University of Hawaii oceanographic research ship R/V Ka Imikai-O-Kanaloa. In about eight days we should get to Nikumaroro, where we will carry out a deep-water search for the wreckage," Ric Gillespie, executive director of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), told Discovery News.

The 26-day expedition and its findings will be captured by a film crew from Discovery Channel and aired as a documentary in August.

Archival research and a number of artifacts unearthed on Nikumaroro during nine previous archaeological expeditions have provided strong, circumstantial evidence for a castaway presence on the coral atoll.

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Gillespie believes that Earhart's twin-engined plane did not crash in the Pacific Ocean, running out of fuel somewhere near her target destination Howland Island. Instead, he thinks Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan made an emergency landing on Nikumaroro's flat coral reef. There, they would have survived as castaways "for a matter of weeks, possibly more," said Gillespie.

The hunt for the plane wreckage will rely on robots and multi-beam sonar capable of mapping the seafloor at depths of almost 7 miles. The action will be on the reef slope off the west end of Nikumaroro, where waters can reach 5,000 feet. This is the area shown in Bevington's picture.

"The photo shows the western end of the island and the wreck of the British steamer SS Norwich City, which went aground on the island's reef in 1929," Gillespie said.

"But on the left side of the frame there is something else: an apparent man-made protruding object which is hard to explain in that spot," Gillespie said.

"The photo is wallet-size and, in the original print, the object of interest is smaller than a grain of rice and easily missed," he added.

Indeed, the mysterious object went unnoticed until 2010, when TIGHAR forensic imaging specialist Jeff Glickman spotted it while reviewing the original copy-negative.

"When we plotted the location, we realized it was in the same place where, in 1999, a former resident of Nikumaroro (a colony was established on the island in December of 1938 and lasted until 1963), told us of seeing debris in 1940. Her father, the island carpenter, told her it was the wreckage of an airplane," Gillespie said.

A high-resolution scan of the original print, now kept at the Rhodes House Library at Oxford, U.K., allowed Glickman to carry out a more detailed analysis of the photo.

"There is an object on the reef, but from the picture we can?t definitely prove what it is. However, one interpretation is consistent with four components that existed on Earhart?s Lockheed Electra Model 10E Special," Glickman said presenting his findings last month at an Amelia Earhart conference.

According to Glickman, the object in the image could be a composition made from the upside-down landing gear of Earhart's plane: a floating wheel, the fender, the strut and a worm gear.

"Imagery analysts at the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, who examined the photo, agreed with Glickman?s analysis. All the four elements appeared to match the shape and dimensions of the components in the landing gear of a Lockheed Electra," Gillespie said.

Previous expeditions have confirmed that there is nothing remaining in the location on the reef edge where the object appears in the 1937 Bevington photos.

"However, there are grooves in the reef surface where debris could easily have once been caught," Gillespie said.

He admits that there are several possible scenarios that could defeat TIGHAR's efforts to find the wreckage. For example, the plane could have floated away for miles before sinking, or it could have broken up, sunk close to the island and been buried by underwater landslides.

The underwater search will begin with a mapping of the general area with multi-beam sonar. Targets will be identified using high-resolution, side-scan sonar mounted on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Finally, a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) with powerful lights and high-definition video cameras will be used to investigate the targets.

"If we are fortunate enough to find whatever remains of the airplane, we will get imagery and photographs and then prepare a recovery expedition," Gillespie said.

"Our hope is that finding identifiable pieces of the plane will help make it possible to do further archaeology on shore to learn more about Amelia's last days," he said.

? 2012 Discovery Channel

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48045456/ns/technology_and_science-science/

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Best evidence yet found for "God particle:" U.S. physicists

BATAVIA, Illinois | Tue Jul 3, 2012 12:53am EDT

BATAVIA, Illinois (Reuters) - Physicists at a U.S. laboratory said on Monday they have come tantalizingly close to proving the existence of the elusive subatomic Higgs boson - often called the "God particle" because it may bring mass and order to the universe.

The announcement by the Fermi National Accelerator Lab outside Chicago came two days before physicists at CERN, the European particle accelerator near Geneva, are set to unveil their own findings in the Higgs hunt. CERN houses the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The Fermilab scientists found hints of the Higgs in the debris from trillions of collisions between beams of protons and anti-protons over 10 years at the lab's now-shuttered Tevatron accelerator.

But the evidence still fell short of the scientific threshold for proof of the discovery of the particle, they said, in that the same collision debris hinting at the existence of the Higgs could also come from other subatomic particles.

"This is the best answer that is out there at the moment," said physicist Rob Roser of Fermilab, which is run by the U.S. Department of Energy. "The Tevatron data strongly point toward the existence of the Higgs boson, but it will take results from the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe to establish a firm discovery."

Scientists have worked long and hard to prove the existence of the Higgs boson, the final piece of a model proposed four decades ago laying out the basic building blocks of matter in the universe.

The Higgs particle's presumed power to confer mass seems to endow it with the power of creation itself, which helped lead to its "God particle" nickname. Many physicists loathe the term, fretting that it makes their discipline seem self-aggrandizing.

Physicists not connected to Fermilab expressed cautious optimism that the long-sought particle had finally been found.

"These intriguing hints from the Tevatron appear to support the results from the LHC shown at CERN in December," said Dan Tovey, professor of particle physics at the University of Sheffield in Britain.

"The results are particularly important because they use a completely different and complementary way of searching for the Higgs boson. This gives us more confidence that what we are seeing is really evidence of new physics rather than just a statistical fluke," Tovey added.

Tovey said scientists will have to wait until Wednesday for the latest results from the European scientists before "getting the full picture" concerning the Higgs boson.


CERN spokesman James Gillies called Fermilab's findings "a nice result," but added that "it will be interesting to see how it lines up with CERN's results on Wednesday. Nature is the final arbiter so we'll have to be a little more patient before we know for sure whether we've found the Higgs."

Tom LeCompte, a scientist at the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois who works at CERN and knows the results, said he was confident the Higgs would be shown to exist, or not exist, this year. But he would not say if the findings to be unveiled Wednesday would be definitive.

"I know 2012 is the year. I can't tell you July is the month," LeCompte said.

Others were less cautious. "This is the most exciting week in physics history," said theoretical physicist Joe Lykken of Fermilab.

The Higgs particle is the final quarry in a hunt that began some 40 years ago, when physicists assembled what is now known as the Standard Model. The model is considered the culmination of a quest for the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces that determine how they interact, a search that began some 2,400 years ago with Greek philosopher Democritus' hypothesis that everything is composed of indivisible atoms.

According to the Standard Model, matter is composed of various combinations of six leptons, including the well-known electron and the ghostly neutrino, and six quarks, to which physicists have given whimsical names such as "charm," "bottom," and "strange." The protons at the core of atoms, for instance, are composed of two "up" quarks and one "down" quark.

The Standard Model also includes particles dubbed bosons, which carry nature's four basic forces.

The best-known boson is the particle of light, the photon. It carries the electromagnetic force, which is responsible for such everyday phenomena as the scent of a rose and the pull of a magnet.

Another boson is called the gluon. It binds together the quarks that constitute protons. Without gluons, quarks would stick together no better than an undercooked souffl?, atoms would not exist, and neither would stars, planets or life.

Particle accelerators such as those at CERN and Fermilab methodically discovered all the particles predicted by the Standard Model except one.


The hold-out is the Higgs boson, and its refusal to show itself has long frustrated physicists. The Higgs particle is needed to complete and validate the Standard Model, since if it turns out not to exist scientists would have to figure out the constituents and mechanics of the universe from square one.

Just as importantly, the existence of Higgs was postulated in 1964 to serve a crucial function: conferring mass on some particles that would otherwise have none. Technically, the Higgs particle itself does not provide mass; the particle is, instead, a little knot of matter squeezed out of a force field like a curd forming in soured milk.

The force field is called - of course - the Higgs field.

The Higgs field gives mass to some particles but leaves others alone, in a process one might compare to making cotton candy. As the wand is passed through the gossamer cloud of spun sugar, it holds onto more and more of the pink strands.

In much the same way, particles passing through the Higgs field picked up more and more mass, until they became the quarks and leptons and bosons that constitute the stuff of today's cosmos. In this analogy, some wands are oiled, preventing sugar from sticking; these particles remain without mass. Other wands are super-sticky, picking up more than their fair share of mass.

The particle is named after Peter Higgs, now 83, of the University of Edinburgh in Britain, but five other physicists came up with the same idea almost simultaneously.

"The God Particle" was the title of a 1993 book by Leon Lederman, a Nobel-winning physicist and former head of Fermilab, and science writer Dick Teresi. The publisher vetoed titles with "Higgs" or anything else too esoteric. Lederman later said he wanted to call the book "The Goddamned Particle" because the Higgs was so elusive.

Fermilab began its Higgs quest 10 years ago, using its four-mile circumference Tevatron to smash together protons and their anti-matter twins, anti-protons. When matter meets anti-matter, the two annihilate, leaving behind pure energy.

Out of that energy crystallize new particles. It was in this debris that the Tevatron scientists sought evidence of the Higgs boson.

Because the Higgs is hypothesized to exist for a mere fraction of a second before decaying into other particles, the strategy was to look for these "daughter" particles.

CERN's 16.7-mile circumference LHC, which smashes protons against protons at nearly the speed of light, looks for two high-energy photons. The Tevatron looked for two bottom quarks. Before budget cuts forced it to shut down last September after trillions of proton-anti-proton collisions, it found as many as 1,000 pairs that could have come from Higgs particles.

"It is a real cliffhanger," said physicist Gregorio Bernardi of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of High Energies in Paris and leader of one of the Tevatron experiments. "We know exactly what signal we are looking for in our data, and we see some evidence for the production and decay of Higgs bosons in a crucial decay mode with a pair of bottom quarks. So we are very excited."

The Tevatron results indicate that the Higgs particle has a mass between 118 and 132 giga-electron volts (the unit of mass-energy used in physics in which 1 GeV is about the mass of the proton). Last year, the LHC pegged the mass at between 115 and 127 GeV.

(Additional reporting by Sharon Begley and Chris Wickham; Writing by Sharon Begley; Editing by Will Dunham)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/scienceNews/~3/HCoQcIEEl6I/us-usa-higgs-idUSBRE8610RK20120703

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