Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pussy Riot to prison colony: Two women transferred from Moscow jail

Pussy Riot to prison colony: Two members of the band Pussy Riot were each transferred from a Moscow jail Maria Alekhina was sent to a prison colony in the Urals and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was sent to a prison colony in Mordovia.

By Nastassia Astrasheuskaya,?Reuters / October 22, 2012

Members of the female punk band "Pussy Riot" (left to riot) Yekaterina Samutsevich, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova sit in a glass-walled cage before a court hearing in Moscow earlier this month. Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova were sent to a prison colony.

REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov


Two members of Russian female punk band Pussy Riot ? convicted of protesting against President Vladimir Putin in a cathedral ? have been sent to prisons far from Moscow despite requesting to serve out their terms in the capital, a lawyer said on Monday.

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Maria Alyokhina, 24, and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, were convicted of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred" in August and sentenced to two years in jail, a punishment that many in the West said was too harsh.

Their stunt - bursting into Moscow's main Russian Orthodox Cathedral to urge the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Putin - infuriated the church and many Russians. But Kremlin critics said their trial was part of a crackdown on dissent orchestrated by Putin, who began a six-year presidential term in May.

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The two women lost their appeals on Oct. 10.

The women's lawyers said they had tried to argue that they should be allowed to remain in jail in Moscow, saying it would have permitted them to be closer to their small children. They had also cited health and safety concerns at far-flung penal colonies.

"They have been sent away," one of their lawyers, Mark Feigin, told Reuters, saying he did not know where the women had been dispatched. By law, relatives must be informed once a convict arrives at a prison, but the trip can take days.

One women's prison is about 100 km (60 miles) from Moscow, but most are much further away.

Former collaborators in a street-art group said on Twitter that Tolokonnikova had been sent to Mordovia, about 500 km (300 miles) east of Moscow, and Alyokhina to the Perm region, near the Ural Mountains about 1,100 km (700 miles) east of the capital. The Associated Press quotes Feygin as confirming the location of the transfer.

The duo had been held in a Moscow detention center since their arrests in March. Western governments and musicians like Madonna had said their sentences were disproportionate, but Putin voiced support for the sentences, saying the state must protect the feelings of the faithful.

The dominant Russian Orthodox Church has cast their protest as part of a concerted attack against the church and Russian traditions.

A third convicted member of Pussy Riot, Yekaterina Samutsevich, was released on appeal when a court suspended her sentence after her lawyer argued that she had been pulled away from the cathedral's altar before the protest song began.

RECOMMENDED: How well do you know Russia? Take the quiz

( Editing by Steve Gutterman and Andrew Osborn)

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/EjeoiAmjVOU/Pussy-Riot-to-prison-colony-Two-women-transferred-from-Moscow-jail

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Twilio For Education Data, Clever, Lands $3M From Kevin Rose, Mike Maples & Ashton Kutcher, Now In 2K Schools

logo-blue-reverseClever, a graduate of Y Combinator's most recent batch of startups, launched in late June to bring a bit of Twilio's vision to education. During their time at Y Combinator, the accelerator's co-founder Paul Graham challenged the team to integrate with 40 schools by the end of the program. Clever far-surpassed that goal, announcing this morning that over 2,000 K-12 schools have now adopted its technology since June. And this dramatic growth has not gone unnoticed by investors. The startup is also today that it has raised $3 million in seed funding from an impressive list of venture capital firms and angels, including SV Angel, Mike Maples of Floodgate, SoftTech VC's Jeff Clavier, Google Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Mitch Kapor, Ben Parr and Ashton Kutcher.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/_arqamNdrcg/

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1st defendant sentenced in FAMU hazing case

Brian Jones, looks at the parents of Robert Champion Monday, October 22, 2012 apologizes to Pam, mother and Robert Champion Jr. before being sentenced in a Orlando, Florida courtroom in Florida A&M University hazing incident. Jones was given six months of community control, which strictly limits his freedom with measures including an ankle monitor and frequent check-ins with probation officials. (AP Photo/Pool, Red Huber )

Brian Jones, looks at the parents of Robert Champion Monday, October 22, 2012 apologizes to Pam, mother and Robert Champion Jr. before being sentenced in a Orlando, Florida courtroom in Florida A&M University hazing incident. Jones was given six months of community control, which strictly limits his freedom with measures including an ankle monitor and frequent check-ins with probation officials. (AP Photo/Pool, Red Huber )

Pam,left, and Robert Champion Sr. look at defendant Brian Jones, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 as Jones apologizes to them before being sentenced in a Orlando, Florida courtroom in Florida A&M University hazing incident. Jones was given six months of community control, which strictly limits his freedom with measures including an ankle monitor and frequent check-ins with probation officials. (AP Photo/POOL, Red Huber)

(AP) ? The first of a dozen defendants to be sentenced in last year's hazing death of a Florida A&M drum major avoided jail time when he received his punishment Monday, but he will spend more than two years under close supervision.

Brian Jones was given six months of community control, which strictly limits his freedom with measures including frequent check-ins with probation officials. Following that, the 23-year-old from Parrish, Fla., will serve another two years of probation. He's also required to perform 200 hours of community service.

Judge Marc Lubet said Jones's role in the hazing death of Robert Champion was relatively minimal and that Jones did not beat or hit Champion. Champion died last November after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual aboard a bus parked outside an Orlando hotel after a football game.

"This young man's part in this horrible act ... as compared with many others from what I've seen is minimal," Lubet said. "It was an isolated incident in this man's life for which he's shown remorse."

Defense attorney Alisia Adamson noted that only two of the 90 witnesses even said he was on the bus.

Eleven other band members are awaiting trial on felony hazing charges, while another band member faces a misdemeanor hazing count.

Jones had entered a no-contest plea Oct. 9 to the third-degree felony hazing charge after initially pleading not guilty. The maximum penalty for the charge was five years in prison.

Champion's parents and friends say the drum major was a vocal opponent of hazing, but finally relented last November and got aboard "Bus C," which was known for hazing.

Pam and Robert Champion Sr. both attended Monday's sentencing.

Speaking directly to Jones, Pam Champion challenged the idea that his role had been minor, saying: "You and I know that's not true. You played a critical role."

She carried a picture of Champion with her to the podium before she spoke.

"You won't be able to put it out if your mind...It will haunt you," she told Jones.

Jones said in a recorded audio statement with investigators that he was on the bus when another hazing victim ? Lissette Sanchez ? went through the ritual. But Jones told police that he only retrieved his lighter and left to smoke, getting off the bus before Champion got on.

The defendant's mother, Jacqueline Jones, told the court that her son was an honest person and that "he shared with me he had nothing to do with it."

Brian Jones tearfully apologized to the Champion family in court.

"No family should have to go through what you've gone through," he said.

After the sentencing, Pam Champion said she gave Jones credit for "taking responsibility" in the case.

"Initially my reaction was disappointment, but I do understand," she said. "The mere fact that Brian stepped up and took the initiative, which should be what everyone does ... is basically what we're looking for. The whole thing is people being accountable for what they have done."

She also said she'd be open to him speaking about his experience as part of the Robert D. Champion Drum Major for Change Foundation that she started last year fight hazing.

"I do respect the law, I don't always agree with it," Robert Champion Sr. said. "But Mr. Jones did step up. The law made the charges and I agree with it if they say it was right."

Champion was seeking the top position in the famed marching band, leading dozens who had already endured the hazing ritual. The Marching 100 has performed at Super Bowls and presidential inauguration parades, and some felt the leadership position had to be earned.

What awaited him was a punishing scrum in which about 15 people pushed, struck, kicked and grabbed at participants as they tried to wade down the aisle from the bus's driver seat to touch the back wall, according to interviews with investigators. One witness said bigger band members waited at the back to make the final few steps the most difficult during the "crossing over" portion of the hazing process.

Several others who went through it said the ordeal leaves participants dizzy and breathless at a minimum. After finishing the ordeal, Champion vomited and complained of trouble breathing. He soon fell unconscious and couldn't be revived.


Follow Kyle Hightower on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/khightower.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-10-22-FAMU%20Hazing/id-e7ebfb6c9d7a42e2adac8b0f33584364

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saturday video break: 20 years of ?Smells Like Nirvana? (Offthekuff)

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Building blocks of Angkor Wat were shipped in by canal

IT IS never too late to find a shortcut. Centuries after the construction of Cambodia's Angkor Wat, archaeologists have uncovered traces of a series of canals that suggest the 5 million tonnes of sandstone used to build the temples took a far shorter route than previously thought.

The sandstone blocks each weigh up to 1.5 tonnes and originate from quarries at Mount Kulen. It was thought they were taken 35 kilometres along a canal to Tonl? Sap Lake, rafted another 35 km along the lake, then taken up the Siem Reap River for 15 km, against the current.

Thinking this was unlikely, Etsuo Uchida and Ichita Shimoda of Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, used satellite images to search for a shortcut. The canals they discovered led from the foot of Mount Kulen to Angkor - a gentle 34-km route, as opposed to the arduous 90-km trek previously suggested. The pair also uncovered more than 50 quarries at the foot of Mount Kulen and along the route. The stones they found matched those in the temples (Journal of Archaeological Science, doi.org/jhf).

Uchida believes all the stone used for the monuments was probably transported along these canals.

Mitch Hendrickson of the University of Illinois, Chicago, says Uchida's theory could be confirmed by searching for blocks that fell overboard into the canals. He believes the canals were used for several purposes, including the transportation of important minerals such as iron.

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MEAC Football Highlights

Norfolk State Clinches MEAC Football Title

Norfolk State routed Savannah State 45-3 last Saturday behind Chris Walley's five total touchdowns.

Walley's two first-quarter touchdown passes and a 17-yard touchdown run helped the Spartans take a 21-0 lead. Ryan Estep added a field goal as time expired in the second quarter to give Norfolk State a 24-0 lead at halftime.

Walley continued to torch the Tigers defense with two more touchdowns in the in the third quarter. Norfolk State led 38-3 at that point.

Nico Flores scored the final touchdown for the Spartans in the fourth quarter from four yards out much to the chagrin of Savannah State.

The win clinches the Spartans (8-2, 6-1 MEAC) a share of the MEAC title coupled with Morgan State's 49-23 loss to Bethune-Cookman. It is the first conference football title since winning the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) championship in 1984.

Savannah State (1-8, 1-5) was 0 for 12 on third down conversions and did not make a single trip into the red zone.

The Spartans outgained the Tigers 559-45 in total yards and were 20 yards shy of last year's record setting performance versus Savannah State.

Walley passed for 271 yards on 20 of 25 completions and added 72 yards rushing on four carries.

35 Consecutive Points Helps Bethune-Cookman Upend Morgan State

Bethune-Cookman rallied to beat Morgan State 49-23 last Saturday in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Jackie Wilson scored the opening touchdown with a one-yard run to give the Wildcats an early 7-0 lead.

Morgan State (5-4, 4-2 MEAC) responded with 10 unanswered points to lead by three in the second quarter. Bethune-Cookman (6-3, 4-2) took the lead for good by scoring 35 straight points in a stretch of 22:43.

During that span, Johnathan Moment scored on runs of 28 and three yards, Wilson scored on four and 45 yards and Isidore Jackson scored the fifth touchdown on a 21-yard run to give the Wildcats a 42-10 fourth quarter lead.

Morgan State scored twice in the second half but the damage was already done.

The Wildcats' defense also contributed to the win with nine tackles for loss, three sacks and two interceptions.

Jackson led all BCU rushers with 93 yards and a touchdown on 20 carries.

Travis Davidson rushed for 138 yards on 17 carries for Morgan State.

Florida A&M Beats NC A&T with Game-Ending INT

Florida A&M defeated North Carolina A&T 26-20 last Saturday night in Tallahassee, Fla.

The Aggies led 20-7 midway through the second quarter behind two touchdown runs by Mike Mayhew. FAMU then scored 13 straight points including two Trevor Scott field goals to tie the game 20-20 at halftime.

Scott broke the halftime tie with a 40-yard field goal to give the Rattlers a 23-20 lead with 11:08 left to play in the third quarter. He then added another field goal in the fourth quarter to increase the lead to six (26-20) with 4:41 remaining.

Lewis Kindle led North Carolina A&T from their own seven-yard line to the FAMU 39 before John Williams intercepted his pass in the end zone as time expired, preserving the win for the Rattlers.

Florida A&M (6-3, 4-2 MEAC) has now won three straight games while NC A&T (4-5, 3-3) have lost three in a row.

Damien Fleming passed for 254 yards and two touchdowns for Florida A&M.

Mayhew rushed for 80 yards and two touchdowns for the Aggies.

Source: http://www.artipot.com/articles/1409854/meac-football-highlights.htm

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Obama fires up crowd in Virginia with ?Romnesia? speech (Washington Post)

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CDC: Death toll rises to 23 in meningitis outbreak


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Terror suspect's family says he asked to go to US

Bangladeshi Quazi Ahsanullah displays a photograph of his son Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis as he weeps in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The FBI arrested 21-year-old Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint. His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

Bangladeshi Quazi Ahsanullah displays a photograph of his son Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis as he weeps in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The FBI arrested 21-year-old Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint. His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

This image taken from the social networking site Google Plus shows an undated photo of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis - the same man, who according to witnesses, appeared in federal court in Brooklyn on Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012 to face charges of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al-Qaida. The Bangladeshi man was arrested Wednesday after he allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed to be a 1,000-pound bomb outside the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. (AP Photo) Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul

Bangladeshi Quazi Ahsanullah, father of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, sits in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The FBI arrested 21-year-old Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint. His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

Grandmother, left, and aunt of Bangladeshi Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis weep in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The FBI arrested 21-year-old Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint. His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

Bangladeshi Quazi Ahsanullah, father of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, weeps in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The FBI arrested 21-year-old Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint. His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

(AP) ? Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis was a terrible student in his native Bangladesh, and his middle-class parents say he persuaded them to send him off to study in the U.S. as a way of improving his job prospects.

At the Missouri college where he enrolled, one classmate said Nafis often remarked that true Muslims don't believe in violence ? an image that seemed startlingly at odds with Nafis' arrest in an FBI sting this week on charges of trying to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in New York with what he thought was a 1,000-pound car bomb.

"I can't imagine being more shocked about somebody doing something like this," said Jim Dow, a 54-year-old Army veteran who rode home from class with Nafis twice a week. "I didn't just meet this kid a couple of times. We talked quite a bit, sir. And this doesn't seem to be in character."

Federal investigators, often accused by defense attorneys of entrapping and leading would-be terrorists along, said the 21-year-old Nafis made the first move over the summer, reaching out for accomplices and eventually contacting a government informant, who then went to federal authorities.

They said he also selected his target, drove the van loaded with dummy explosives up to the door of the bank, and tried to set off the bomb from a hotel room using a cellphone he thought had been rigged as a detonator.

During the investigation, he and the informant corresponded via Facebook and other social media, talked on the phone and met in hotel rooms, according to a law enforcement official who was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Nafis spoke of his admiration for Osama bin Laden, talked of writing an article about his plot for an al-Qaida-affiliated magazine, and said he would be willing to be a martyr but preferred to go home to his family after carrying out the attack, authorities said. And he also talked about wanting to kill President Barack Obama and bomb the New York Stock Exchange, a law enforcement official said.

Investigators said in court papers that he came to the U.S. bent on jihad and worked out the specifics of a plot when he arrived. While Nafis believed he had the blessing of al-Qaida and was acting on behalf of the terrorist group, he has no known ties, according to federal officials.

Nafis, who at the time of his arrest Wednesday was working as a busboy at a restaurant in Manhattan, was jailed without bail. His attorney has not commented on the case, but in other instances where undercover agents and sting operations were used, lawyers have argued entrapment.

Investigators would not say exactly how he initially contacted the government informant.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, whose department had a role in the arrest as a member of a joint federal-state terrorism task force, said the entrapment argument rarely prevails.

"You have to be otherwise not disposed to do a crime," Kelly said. "And if it's your intent to do a crime, and somehow there are means made available, then generally speaking, the entrapment defense does not succeed."

Nafis' family in Dhaka, Bangladesh, denied he could have been involved ? he was incapable of such actions and came to America to study, not to carry out an attack, his parents said. His father, a banker, said Nafis was so timid he couldn't venture out onto the roof alone.

"My son couldn't have done it," Quazi Ahsanullah said, weeping.

"He is very gentle and devoted to his studies," he said, pointing to Nafis' time studying at the private North South University in Dhaka.

Belal Ahmed, a spokesman for the university, said Nafis was a terrible student who was put on probation and threatened with expulsion if he didn't bring his grades up. Nafis eventually stopped coming to school, Ahmed said.

Ahsanullah said his son persuaded him to send him to America to study, arguing that a U.S. degree would give him a better chance at success in Bangladesh. "I spent all my savings to send him to America," the father said.

Nafis moved to Missouri, where he studied cybersecurity at Southeast Missouri State University. He also became vice president of the school's Muslim Student Association and began attending a mosque.

But he withdrew after one semester and requested over the summer that his records be transferred to a school in Brooklyn. The university declined to identify which school.

Dow, his former classmate at Southeast Missouri State, said Nafis spoke admiringly of bin Laden. At the same time, "he told me he didn't really believe bin Laden was involved in the twin towers because he said bin Laden was a religious man, and a religious man wouldn't have done something like that," Dow said.

He said Nafis gave Dow a copy of the Quran and asked him to read it. But he "didn't rant or rave or say crazy stuff," Dow said.

"What really shocked me the most was he had specifically spoken to me about true Muslims not believing in violence," Dow said.

Dion Duncan of St. Louis, a fellow student and member of the Muslim organization, said: "Nafis was a good kid. He showed no traces of anti-Americanism, or death to America, or anything like that. He was a trustworthy, honest kid."

"He was polite and courteous. He was helpful. All the things you would expect from a good Muslim kid. He prayed five times a day," Duncan said.


Associated Press Writers David B. Caruso in New York, Jim Suhr in St. Louis, and Farid Hossain in Dhaka, Bangladesh, contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-10-18-Federal%20Reserve%20Plot/id-7d849f868103483fac6807373f4c6150

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Inside The Bills | Gameday: Breast Cancer awareness, Polian

Posted by Hannah Buehler on October 18, 2012 ? 10:50 am

Here?s a rundown of gameday activities for Sunday?s home game against the Tennessee Titans:

Gates Open:?11:30 am

Player Warmups:?11:55 am

Color Guard: Canisius College ROTC

Kickoff:?1:00 pm

Anthem Singer: Laura Cavacece

Giveaway:?Volunteers from Zeta Tau Alpha sorority will hand out?15,000 Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbons.

Visa Deal of the Game:?
Spend $75 and get the Buffalo Bills Royal Reusable Bag for free

Extra Points Credit Card free gift: Show your Bills Extra Points credit card at the Guest Services Booth in section 123 to get your free gift, while supplies last.? Don?t have a Bills Credit Card? Click here.

Leader of the Charge:?Former Buffalo Bills linebacker, Darryl Talley

Snapple Ultimate Fan Experience Winner:?David Herdzik


Healthy Zone Field house:?Opens at 9:30 am. Features family friendly tailgating activities including interactive games, youth football, and special guests and vendors.

NFL Flag Football Healthy Zone Fieldhouse Exhibition: Fifty representatives from NFL Flag Hamilton will attend Sunday?s game courtesy of the Bills and will play two flag football games.

Kiss 98.5 Scoreboard Tailgate Party (Lot C):?10:00 am -12:15 pm.? Mick Hayes and his Band will perform two 30-minute sets: 10:00-10:30am, 11:00-11:30am. Tailgate will include interactive vendor booths, appearances by the Buffalo Jills and souvenirs from partners.? Food and beverage will be for sale.

Mike Hayes Band: Performing, recording and writing for over 15 years, Mick Hayes is the living example of what Contemporary Blues and R&B sounds like today.? Mick Hayes and his Band have been busy this year recording a new soon-to-be released live album entitled Caf? Artistry.? With a release date in November 2012, the new album will kick-off with a Release Party on Friday November, 2 at the Hotel Lafayette in Buffalo, NY.?? In addition to recording the CD, the band has been busy setting up 2013 tour dates and performing at various festivals across the nation.???? Hayes has opened for diverse touring acts including Peter Frampton, The Doobie Brothers, Cheap Trick, and more.

Breast Cancer Awareness:?All fans are encouraged to wear pink this Sunday as the Buffalo Bills support the Billieve breast cancer awareness campaign, sponsored by ECMC.

  • 50 breast cancer survivors will be recognized on the Field and will form Stampede Row prior to Bills player introductions.
  • Fans will have the opportunity to purchase official Billieve merchandise at The Bills Store or buffalobills.com, with a portion of the proceeds going to the WNY Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
  • Pink gear worn in Sunday?s game will be available to bid on at NFL.com auction, with all proceeds from sales going to the American Cancer Society.
  • Pink elements will be spread out throughout the game, including pink breast cancer ribbons painted on the field, pink goal post wraps, pink signage on the stadium ringwall, pink gloves, pink cleats, and footballs branded with the breast cancer ribbon that will be used in-game.
  • A ceremonial pink football will be presented to the game official by two survivors at mid-field.

Bill Polian Wall of Fame Induction:?In a ceremony at halftime, Steve Tasker will introduce Bill Polian as the 28th member of the Buffalo Bills Wall of Fame.? Polian is the sixth non-player named to the Bills Wall of Fame. ?He has been recognized for his key role as General Manager supporting in the success of the team during his years in Buffalo, traveling to four AFC title games in 1988, 1990, 1991, and 1992.

Reminder for all guests: Remember to arrive at the gates one hour prior to kickoff for easy entry.? Be sure to empty pockets in preparation for the metal detection screening process at gate entry.

Make Mom Proud: Follow the Bills Fan Code of Conduct available here.

Designated Driver:?Guests can stop by any Guest Service Booth and pledge to be a designated driver for the game.? Guests who are 21, pledge not to drink and make sure everyone in their group gets home safely from the game.? When they sign up, they will receive a wristband showing that they have pledged and a?coupon good for one non-alcoholic beverage.? They are also entered into a raffle to win the Designated Driver of the Game prize and are also entered into the end-of-the-year sweepstakes with a chance to win Probowl or Superbowl tickets. Sign up here: http://www.teamcoalition.org/faneducation/videos/register.asp?id=46

Posted in Inside the Bills, Off the Field

Source: http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2012/10/18/gameday-breast-cancer-awareness-polian-and-more/

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Death toll from Lebanon explosion rises to eight: state news agency

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A huge car bomb exploded in a street in central Beirut during rush hour on Friday, killing at least two people and wounding 46, witnesses and security sources said.

It was not immediately clear if the explosion targeted any political figure in Lebanon's divided community but it occurred at a time of heightened tension between Lebanese factions on opposite sides of the Syria conflict.

The bomb exploded in the street where the office of the anti-Assad Christian Phalange Party is located.

Ambulances rushed to the scene of the blast near Sassine Square in Ashafriyeh, a mostly Christian area, as smoke rose from the area. It occurred during rush hour, when many parents were picking up children from school.

The security source confirmed two dead. At least 46 people were wounded, another security source said.

Several cars were destroyed by the explosion and the front of a multi-storey building was badly damaged, with tangled wires and metal railings crashing to the ground.

Residents ran about in panic looking for relatives while others helped carry the wounded to ambulances.

Security forces blanketed the area.

The war in neighboring Syria, which has killed 30,000 people so far, has pitted mostly Sunni insurgents against President Bashar al-Assad, who is from the Alawite sect linked to Shi'ite Islam.

Tension between Sunnis and Shi'ites has been rumbling in Lebanon ever since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war but reignited after the Syria conflict erupted.

It reached its peak when former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, a Sunni, was killed in 2005. Hariri supporters accused Syria and then Hezbollah of killing him - a charge they both deny. An international tribunal accused several Hezbollah members of involvement in the murder.

Hezbollah's political opponents, who have for months accused it of aiding Assad's forces - have warned that its involvement in Syria could ignite sectarian tension of the civil war.

The last bombing in Beirut was in 2008 when three people were killed in an explosion which damaged a U.S. diplomatic car.

However fighting had broken out this year between supporters and opponents of Assad in the northern city of Tripoli.

(Reporting by Mariam Karouny and Oliver Holmes; Editing by Angus MacSwan and Samia Nakhoul)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/explosion-rocks-central-beirut-witnesses-120610495.html

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Deutsche Telekom: T-Mobile / MetroPCS merger to be completed by June 2013

Deutsche Telekom MetroPCS merger to be completed by June 2013

Just precisely how the T-Mobile / MetroPCS merger will pan out still seems yet to be decided. What is clear, however, is that majority share-holder, Deutsche Telekom, hope to have the deal done and dusted between April and June next year. CFO for the German giant, Timotheus Hoettges, told Boersenzeitung that we'll have to wait until the second quarter of 2013 before one of the parties will have to start ordering new stationary and corporate polo shirts. In the meantime he was keen to point out that not all current financial arrangements should feel ause for concern, noting shareholders wouldn't have their remuneration policy affected by the merger, thanks to the spiffy financial year it's had.

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Deutsche Telekom: T-Mobile / MetroPCS merger to be completed by June 2013 originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:28:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/Su3GR7I7zVA/

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Make The Redesigning Profitable With These Suggest | Information

Regardless of whether you?re considering promoting your own home or aspire to remain there for a long time, it?s crucial that you do all that one could to boost your home?s look. Even simplest of assignments can substantially increase your home?s importance. This post will offer you some great ideas on how you can finest enhance your residence.

Should you be attempting to eliminate wallpapers that has been coloured more than or has a couple of coating, you might have to work with a steamer. Using a steamer will guarantee you may not harm the surfaces while eliminating garage door opener Calgary the wallpaper. You can normally lease a steamer or invest in a do-it-your self version.

In case you are dealing with your project by itself, consider working with a inside designer for the appointment. An hour or so having a specialist might help make clear what for you to do and help steer you far from all those jobs that noise excellent in your mind but would be a horror to accomplish.

Home remodeling can begin in every area of the house. Many people prefer to begin externally and operate their way in. The reason being redesigning the exterior of your property presents an immediate improve on the general worth, even though many indoor jobs do not put a good deal.

This is a very good concept to obtain your house. Most people desire to beautify their home and then make changes to put their way of life, but if you lease you must demand consent to make sure improvements. It is much better to achieve that in your home, because it doesn?t make any feeling to pay lots of money to improve someone else?s property.

Many individuals may possibly see darkish paneling with their spaces as a curse. Nevertheless, it can be fairly easy to add spice to your individual panels to ensure they suitable and chic. Lightly beach sand your sections and fresh paint over it by using a primer. Then just apply a layer of painting inside the colour that you pick. This will likely give new daily life to the room along with your darkish paneling.

When redesigning your own home, be sure that you undertake it together with the neighborhood under consideration. There is little part of building a big, exterior deck region if it is continually windy or adding a swimming pool inside an region where it really is constantly cool. These improvements will never add value to the house and therefore are, for that reason, wasted funds.

If you want to hire someone, get personalized suggestions from friends, family members and neighbors who definitely have experienced function accomplished in the recent past. This is a good strategy to accumulate details about contractors who are able to complete the task. When you get quotes, request they are itemized so you can examine the installers apples to apples.

When enhancing your house, there are many tasks you can do oneself as well as others that you simply cannot. If you are just like you can complete a simple job like repainting your kitchen, then go ahead and practice it, to save yourself some extra cash. Just make sure that you understand what you?re getting into before starting a project. You don?t would like to try and upgrade your bath room and see midway through that you?re unsure when you can total the task without the need of hitting a pipeline.

A creative way to enhance your home is to get artwork up in each place. You can opt for a number of smaller sized artwork or 1 or 2 big types for every place. This can give every area its very own unique truly feel and supply feeling of ease and comfort. Paintings, simply being relatively affordable, also is not going to hurt your budget excessive.

When applying a new cover of paint into a textured walls or roof, work with a fresh paint roller using a thicker, fluffy nap. These rollers could be prone to dripping, so you need to be very careful. Even so, they are required for ensuring each corner and cranny on the surface receives some painting.

Your property is your most useful financial assets, in fact it is where you may spend a majority of your time. So next time you location something that could use just a little upkeep, you owe it to yourself, as well as to your finances, to use your hands at mending up your property!

Source: http://gosselinfiat.com/accounting/make-the-redesigning-profitable-with-these-suggest/

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VIDEO: Watch Jim Lehrer really moderate a debate

Usually job candidates are turned away because they don?t have the right skill set or enough experience, but one California woman said she didn?t get a job because she doesn?t have the right body type. Jennifer Rogers, of Palm Desert, Calif., claimed she didn?t get...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/watch-jim-lehrer-really-moderate-debate-185026469--election.html

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Family, Children and Relationships in a Digital age :Religiousindia

The family is a community of love and life of a man and a woman, who consider life as a gift and their readiness to be open to the gift of life said Bishop Agnelo Gracia in his Keynote address to the Psychologists of India.

He stressed on Family from the viewpoint of Catholic Theology. He emphasized the need for Theology and Psychology to work hand in hand to create stable and happy families.

The Conference of Catholic Psychologists of India (CCPI) held its Annual General Body Meeting at the Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga, from 5-7 October on the theme ?Family Life Inside Out & Therapeutic Strategies?.

The Conference commenced with the Holy Eucharist presided over by the President, Dr. Fr. Kuriakose Pallikunnel sdb, followed by a Prayer service .

In his message, Fr. Michael Fernandes, the Salesian Provincial spoke on the importance of family and the role Psychologists should play in maintaining good and happy families.

Dr. Avinash De Souza highlighted ?Family, Children and Relationships in a Digital age?. He dealt on the impact of video games, mobile, SMS, Facebook, Cartoon channels etc. on children and young adults. He emphasised the role of counsellors in schools and gave some practical ways in which difficult children could be handled. The dysfunctional family is usually the base from which difficult children emerge.

Dr. Fabian Almeida dealt on ?Decoding Dysfunctional Families?. He distinguished between healthy families and dysfunctional families. The causes of dysfunctional families, the types of dysfunctional families and the outcome on children in dysfunctional families were discussed. He presented various methods that could be used to bring dysfunctional families back into the normal stream of life.

Fr. Cajetan Menezes and his team Ms. Judy and Dr. Yolanda dealt on the Pastoral care of Families. They developed the aspect that good marriages bring in stable families. The Marriage Preparation and Marriage Enrichment programmes in which the young people are prepared and ways of helping young people who enter into inter- faith marriages.

Jaime & Ligia da Fonseca developed on ?Celebrating Family and Celebrating Life?. They dealt on the Theology of the Body and stressed the importance of sexuality in married life. The various family movements, especially Couples for Christ (CFC) and Marriage Encounter (ME) for the sustenance of families were presented. The various programmes in sustaining families like Pre-baptismal programmes, Infant care, Breast feeding, Retreats for couples etc. were also presented.

Sr. Dr. Johncy CHF presented a Pastoral care model of Family Counselling, practised by the Congregation of the Holy Family Sisters. Family visits and Home Mission in parishes form the methodology of this model. The families are visited and confidence of the family is won over. The family problems are resolved either in the family setting itself or with later follow-up in individual counselling sessions. Thus the families are empowered to lead better lives.

Dr. Fr. Tony J D`Souza developed the aspect of Psycho-spiritual understanding of human nature, foundation for family therapy. He explained how a counsellor could become a mirror for couples to enable them discover their personal selves, their preciousness and `loveableness`. Committed married couples should be led to a mystical experience by helping them to discover themselves in love.

In the final discussion the participants put forward many suggestions that could be taken forward in the coming years. A very important point that emerged was the need to develop an active collaboration between the Priests, Religious and Lay people in the pastoral care of the families.

The Catholic Psychologists from various parts of the country went back better equipped to fulfil their role in bringing about solace and happiness to families. Congratulations to the co-ordinator Fr. Godfrey D`Sa SDB and his team for the wonderful organisation of the conference.

Source: donbosco.in, Dr. C.M. Joseph Cherukunnel SDB

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Source: http://www.religiousindia.org/church-in-india/family-children-and-relationships-in-a-digital-age

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Friday, October 12, 2012

5 things to watch for in the vice presidential debate (Washington Post)

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Source: http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/politics/top-stories/254761107?client_source=feed&format=rss

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my kind of writing: helpful links | Cody Underwood

Since we?re all headed toward the same goal, to be the best writer we can be, I figured we ought to share some of our resources.

I think the writers of my generation are more capable of successful multitasking. We can type in Word while our web browser sits active in the background or minimized on the dock. And having music playing helps with rhythm. I don?t find doing so a distraction. After all, I cannot sit and write for hours nonstop and I cannot leave any red or green squiggly lines under any text in the document. I have to fix those aesthetic mistakes. Therefore, I constantly use certain websites to help fix any issues I have particular trouble with, which normally removes any blocks so my creative energy can return.

Synonyms. One goal in writing is to be less repetitive. If I like using a word, I?ll try to fit it in wherever necessary. Of course, when I read for revisions, those repetitive words become road bumps and I stumble over my own writerly haste. http://www.merriam-webster.com/ is a great online dictionary and thesaurus. I find they show adequate results for the average American reader?s vocabulary but falls short with common foreign words. If you use their iPhone app, you have to spell the word correctly or it will not populate a list of suggested words, also the voice feature requires you to speak properly and clearly. Despite those two issues, I use it often while supplementing with http://dictionary.reference.com/.

Grammar and Usage. I wonder if the pros have awful first drafts like I do. You will never ever read any of my first drafts because they are so full of mistyped words, awful run on sentences, cliches, and enough metaphors and similes to make you feel like that last drop of dew hanging on to a honeysuckle petal as it turns to vapor in the rising, afternoon sun, trapped in a never-ending struggle of science and nature. So whether I?m creating or revising, I refer to a gem I discovered in college:?http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/1/5 . This lovely site is easy to understand and keeps up with all the MLA and APA changes which will pass or fail a college paper. You can also search ?Style Sheets.? These sheets list the guidelines for formatting in order to submit work to their respective publishing houses, scholarship programs, and even creative writing MFA programs.

Research. Research is where I spend the most time. Usually because I use Wikipedia and you can click on many words and be brought to a whole different world of learning. Because of that, Wikipedia can be a dangerous a rabbit hole like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter (All of which I will not let myself visit unless I am finished writing.) If I really want to finish a chapter or scene, I will make notes on what I need to further research and do that when I hit my threshold of bulk writing.

Tell me what you think. Do you have similar habits? Do you have common websites you refer to?

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Source: http://codyunderwood.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/my-kind-of-writing-helpful-links/

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Convert a PCI-E x16 Video Card to Fit a x1 Slot with a Diamond Cutting Wheel [Video Cards]

Convert a PCI-E x16 Video Card to Fit a x1 Slot with a Diamond Cutting WheelRussian software developer Mikhail Svarichevsky needed a a PCI-E x1 video card as all of the other PCI-E slots were occupied on his motherboard. PCI-E x1 video cards are available but can be pricier than PCI-E x16 versions so Mikhail used a rotary tool with a diamond cutting wheel to remove a tab from the circuit board of his x16 card to fit the x1 slot.

At first the operation didn't work as PCI cards indicate their size by shorting specific pins?after researching which pins he needed to short Mikhail made this change and the hacked video card ran smoothly and has continued to run for over a year now with no problems.

This is one of those tricks we don't really recommend trying, especially since the cost of PCI-E x1 video cards have come down in price since Mikhail originally cut his card. But, it's a pretty cool example of what's actually possible, and we suppose it's useful to know just in case you get caught in a horrible bind. See the source link below for more photos and a more detailed walkthrough of the process.

Upgrading videocard. Using a diamond cutting wheel. | Mikhail Svarichevsky via Hack-A-Day

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/NQUBZ5VIpho/convert-a-pci+e-x16-video-card-to-fit-a-x1-slot-with-a-diamond-cutting-wheel

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Southern Mamas ? Blog Archive ? Family Weekend Activities in ...

For the complete listing of local kids? activities, please visit our Events Calendar here.

20% off everything Melissa & Doug at Barnett?s Educational Supplies, Savannah
Through Oct. 31 2012
Details here.
Annual Greek Festival, Savannah
Oct. 11-13 2012
Festival details plus drive-thru take out order info here.
Ottawa Farms Corn Maze, Bloomingdale
Hayrides, cow train rides, pig races, billy goat skywalk, inflatables, duck races, inflatables, bonfires, corn crib and the corn cannon and more. 10 acre corm maze of fun & confusion. Admission is $8 for ages 5 & up, which includes everything except the corn cannon and any food or drinks. Ages 5 & younger are free.
5 -10 PM Fridays
1-10 PM Saturdays
1-10 PM Sundays
Closes in November..
The 10-acre corn maze theme: steam locomotive.
Details here.

Poppell family farm
10-acre labyrinth & Haunted Forest.
Located in Odum about six miles from Jesup.
Hours of operation: Saturday 10 AM-10 PM, Sunday Noon-5 PM. Every Friday and Saturday night through October 27, 2012, ?The Haunted Woods? will be open with lots of spooks lurking nearby as you travel down this twisted path of terror. The maze will also be open but will not be haunted, families can come enjoy the thrill of finding your way through the dark paths with a flashlight. Fridays starting Oct. 12: 5-10 PM, Corn Maze ?Freddy?s Fright in the Forest?, Play Area (NO HAYRIDE or PUMPKIN PATCH on Friday nights)
Also features hayrides, a cow train, corn box, petting farm, steer roping, Spyder Slyder, crop hopper, catfish pond and more
For corn maze hours and admission costs, click here.
Special events include A-Maze-ing Race 5K & Pumpkin Patch Trot to benefit Boys & Girls Club, Altamaha Area on Oct. 13; Halloween Party w/ Costume Contest @ 2 p.m. & Family ?Egg Haunt? in the Maze @ 7:00 p.m on Oct. 27. The 2012 corn maze theme: ?Vote 2012? featuring the likeness of Mr. Romney and President Obama.
Details here.?
?What Can We Make?? kids? art activities at the Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Details here.
Tybee Team Melanoma Awareness & Skate Night at the Tybee Island YMCA
Fri. Oct. 12 2012
Screenings 4-7 PM by Georgia Skin & Cancer Clinic
Skate Night 6-9 PM
Details here.
FREE ?Night Skies-Telescopes at the Tybee Pier?, Tybee Island
Fri. Oct. 12
Details here.
The Halloween Haunted Forest at the Savannah Moose Lodge, Sandfly
Oct. 12 & 13
Details here.
You?re invited: Parenting Conference at Bull Street Baptist Church, Savannah
Oct. 12 & 13
Details here.
Polk?s Plus Fall Festival, Pooler
9 AM-3 PM Sat. Oct. 13
Variety of vendors set up for the kids (face and pumpkin painting, pony rides, trick-or-treating), 20+ Arts and Crafts vendors, BBQ dinners and Boston Butts, live music, and much more.
807 W. Hwy 80, Pooler
email: SavannahAreaArtisansGuild@live.com
Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church Fall Festival
11 AM-2 PM Sat. Oct. 13
450 North Cromwell Road
Open to the public!
?Bunnicula? musical about a vampire bunny, Savannah Children?s Theatre
10 AM Sat. Oct. 13
Details here.
2012 Fall Festival & Duck Races at Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens
Oct. 13
New this year: duck races. Plus plant vendors, art & craft vendors, face painting, Bonsai show, horticultural classes, hay rides, culinary classes, pumpkin patch, Bounce House, Watch Old Fashioned Cane Syrup Being Made
Details here.
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness: Zoe Foundation ?Walk to Remember?
Sat. Oct. 13 in Forsyth Park, Savannah
Details here.
3rd Annual Go Green 5K Family Fun Trail Run/Walk, Whitemarsh Is.
Sat. Oct. 13
Details here.
You?re invited: St. James School Annual Fall Festival, Savannah
Sat. Oct. 13
Details here.
Isle of Hope Art & Music Fest 2012, Savannah
Sat. Oct. 13
Details here.
Farm Day at Hunter Cattle Co., Brooklet, Ga. near Statesboro
Sat. Oct. 13
Details here.
Doggie Costume Contest at Daffin Park, Savannah
Sun. Oct. 14 2012
Hosted by the Savannah Kennel Club.
Open to the public! Registration starts at noon; judging starts at 1
Details here.
1st Part of the Week of Oct. 15
FREE reading with dogs program: kids read great books to therapy dogs, Pooler
Mon. Oct. 15 @ Pooler Library
Details here.
Stroller Strides of Savannah Class in Richmond Hill
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Richmond Hill classes ? which include power walking and intervals of strength training ? will be on MWF at 9:30 am in JF Gregory Park.
Details here
Mommy & Me Water Exercise Classes, Pregnancy Water Aerobics, Savannah
Tues. Oct. 2-Nov. 6 2012
Mommy-and-me water exercise classes Looking for a class where you can get fit, bond with your baby and make new friends? Register for H2O Baby! Mom and baby exercise classes: Oct 2-Nov. 6 11:30 AM Tuesdays at the Chatham County Aquatic Center . For more info or to register click here
Pregnancy Water aerobics Oh Baby! Fitness will also offer Pregnancy Water Aerobics at Chatham County Aquatic Center Oct. 2-Nov. 6 at 12:15 PM Tuesdays. For more info or to register click here.
Save 10% off full session by using discount code: SOUTHERNMAMAS when you register online at www.ohbabyfitness.com.
Chatham County Aquatic Center is at 7240 Sallie Mood Drive, Savannah
Kindermusik Early Childhood Music Education Classes: For Savannah-area families of kids ages 0-7 interested in early childhood music education: Kindermusik classes in Savannah. Mthly enrollment is available online & classes are offered Mon-Fri. Details here.
Stroller Strides of Savannah Fitness Classes for moms & their babies,
Lake Mayer 8 AM Tuesdays & Thursdays. 1st class is free.
Discount for SouthernMamas.com readers. Details here.
Toddler Tuesday & Interactive Imagination Playground at Oatland Is. Wildlife Center
Children & their parents/caretakers experience nature through themed activities including live animal encounters, wildlife nature walks, storytelling, songs, interactive finger-play & crafts. Oatland?s new naturalist Michelle Kelly will lead the sessions. Pre-registration required. Instead of two sessions, there will be one weekly session from 10:30-11:15 AM. Details & theme for Oct.16 plus info about the portable interactive Imagination Playground here.

Hilton Head Is/Bluffton Children?s Activities
Annual Chili Cookoff, Hilton Head Is.
Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn
Sat. Oct. 13
All-you-can-eat chili provided by local professional and amateur chefs, music from the Chilly Willy Band, free children?s games and activities and more.
Details here.
13th Annual Fall Festival at The Salty Dog Caf?, Hilton Head Is.
Sat. Oct. 13
Sample food from Village restaurants with sidewalk shopping, carnival games, prizes, live music, kid?s fun and games and Jake the Salty Dog.
Details here.
Bluffton Arts and Seafood Festival, Bluffton, S.C.
Oct. 14-21
Details here.
The 19th annual Polo for Charity event
@ the historic Rose Hill Plantation, Bluffton.
Sun. Oct. 14
Details here.
Butterfly Enclosure at Coastal Discovery Museum, Hilton Head Is.
Details here.
The Sandbox Interactive Children?s Museum, Hilton Head Is., S.C. Hours, admission rates & more details here..
Lawton Stables, Sea Pines Resort, Hilton Head. Is. S.C. (open everyday except Christmas) Lawton?s free animal farm includes goats, sheep, pot-bellied pigs, ponies, rabbits, a deer named Callie and a Clydesdale named Harley (who loves visitors bearing carrots and apples). Pony rides and horseback riding available for a fee. Details here.

Source: http://www.southernmamas.com/2012/family-weekend-activities-in-savannah-lowcountry/

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